#3 The bitter truth

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Few days passed since I first woke up in Ponk's new house and so far it's been going good.
We don't talk a lot, but he lets me help around his house. It's VERY peaceful out here, I only hate nights, when we go to beds and the reality of things hit me again...

And again...

And... again...

I had enough of it and so I got up and walked over to Ponk's bed.
"We need to talk."


"Now." I sat down, clearly invading his personal space, to which he sat up against the wall with sigh.

"Why did you save? And why did you go thro all of this to aid me back to health? If you hate me so much - and I assume you would after what I did to you-..."

My focus fell onto his left arm - an armored prosthetic, matching colors of his mask. I HAVE noticed it before, but didn't say anything to let him maybe heal a bit.
However I never knew how it's powered, redstone prosthetics can react, activate and detect redstone contraptions and signals. I don't know...

"...Why not just watch me die... or fish me out only to kill me yourself?... Why?"

Ponk looked away visibly angry and thought of any sort of answer.
"I don't know-"

"You know. You must've done it for a reason. So why?"

"I don't know! Ok!? I don't know, maybe I wanted to kill you myself, but changed my mind, I have no idea why we ended up here, both alive!..."

"...Could it... be because you... still-"

"NO, I definitely DO NOT have ANY warm feeling towards you!"

Another long pause between us in dark room, there is a lot to think thro before speaking.

"...you... You still LOVE ME."

"No, I do NOT."


"Don't call me that! I'm no longer 'your Ponky', you understand Sam!? No more, so STOP with pretending to even care!"

He tried to push me off his bed, even trying to kick me off when I wouldn't budge. Eventually I landed on floor, still in shock of discovery. I didn't just hurt him and broke his heart, but also put given orders above him. He moved out to stay away from me...
I can see tears rolling into corners of his eyes, but his anger is much more visible. I was so blind...

He looked away still angry, so I slowly got my butt off the floor and still confused laid down in my bed. I heard Ponk move around before hopely falling asleep, but I couldn't.

I waited maybe 10 minutes before carefully sneaking out off house. In doorway I took one more glance towards bedroom and think how things would've gone different if I just let someone else supervise the prison... No, there are solid reasons as to why it's me and not anyone else, just myself. I closed the door and follow my gut, hoping I will get back to prison soon. I took some of Ponk's old tools and food, it should be enough...


Ponk's POV:

A sound of thunder made me sit up on bed and pant. Heavy rain broke out outside - oh well, what can I do?-
Another lightning highlighted Sam's empty bed, no... damnit Sam. You stoopid donkey.
I grabbed my sword and torch, hoping I can catch up to him. He might outrun me, even tired Hybrids are faster than humans, but he doesn't know the way back and he tried to sneak out before. I can do this, I just have to think like Sammy.

Sam's POV:

The rain is getting worse and worse by seconds, but I know I'm on the right path, I can feel it.
I can hear mobs keeping me in their sight, it's nerve-wrecking, but I've had worse. My ears twitch when I hear someone calling out, the voice gets louder and there is some light in the distance. Oh no, Ponk noticed I'm gone.
Nononono, my golden armor will work like lighthouse. Quick, think! I ran right from where I was originally going, trying to find maybe a hill to hide behind. There is a way down and shallow cave just out off his sight, hopely, unless he knows these woods well.

Ponk's POV:

I keep calling out to him, hoping he's still close. I hope he's fine, even Phil doesn't travel in such weather from what I heard. C'mon Sam where are you? Let me know somehow-
Red vines in my prosthetic arm pulsed so hard, it stopped me in my tracks. I look right and red fades from my eyes. There. I sprinted thro the forest, hoping I will see him soon and reached a small cliff, overlooking small area. No sign of him, only mobs, not even his body or stuff laying down on grass. Huff... damn. Maybe he hid in one of the trees. I don't know...


Sam's POV:

It took me whole day and a lot of treetops jumping, but I could finnaly see buildings around spawn. Good, finnaly I can get back to work. On the thought of this my heart hurts. My jaw tightens and I feel sick. Huff... probably due to that rollercoaster of feelings. It will pass... eventually...

Well I managed to fix the wall I blew up about week ago. Dream is still here, but I had to fix his cell from his sneaky digging. I gave him food and new clock, while he tried to get me into conversation. Ignoring him didn't work, because he kept asking about all those noices a while ago, me not walking around - I guess when you sit still, you learn ALL the sounds of your surroundings. As I was about to leave, he kept talking and trying to get my attention. I grabbed the last switch and looked over my shoulder with hateful eyes.

"You have no idea how much trouble you make, even by just sitting here..."

Lava started pouring down, blocking him off from the rest of the world.

Soon my routine returned and I'm quite happy about it, because this means everything is on its place. In moments where I had nothing to do, I was slightly missing those simple chores when I was with Ponk. Huff... oh Ponky... maybe we get more lucky in another life...

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