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Okay lads so basically James, Regulus and Lily aren't dead, Jegulus r Harry and my OC's (her name is callie but idk if i'll change it) parents but they see Lily as an aunt.

In this Sirius never went to Azkaban and he and Remu have been living happily n shit.

So instead of the dementors attacking at the Gryffindor V Hufflepuff game Harry just got distracted by someone in the crowds and fell off his broom.

K i think that's it.

Ooh also this is Wolfstar aaaand Gryffindor and Slytherin don't hate each other! <3


november 6th, 1993



@thebetterpotter: lads it's finally happened, Potter's gone feral #prayforpotter

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@thebetterpotter: lads it's finally happened, Potter's gone feral #prayforpotter

Liked by: @harold_bpotter, @imronweasley, @draco.malfoy and 162 others.


@harold_bpotter: fuck you.
➪ @thebetterpotter replied:
I love you too Haz 😌

@imronweasley: what's he doing...?
@HermioneG replied:
It's Harry being Harry, don't question it.
➪ @imronweasley replied:
Yeah aright makes sense

@draco.malfoy: wtf
@thebetterpotter replied:
Bros defo on smth
@draco.malfoy replied:
Fr tho #prayforpotter

@cedricaintdedric: dam, he really took losing the game quite hard...
@harold_bpotter replied:
I got distracted 😩
@thebetterpotter replied:
by a lil someone in the crowd 😏
@cedricaintdedric replied:
Oh? 😏
@iloveluna replied:
i know who it isssssss
@HermioneG replied:
Same 🤭

@britishcigpads: slay Harry, keeping the Prongs legacy alive with ur raw James energy 💪🏼
@remulupin replied:
Fr scared that James just possessed him 😳
@prxngs replied:
you make it sound like I'm dead
@britishcigpads replied:
dead to me 😒
@remulupin replied:
I still love you James 🫶🏼
@prxngs replied:
thanks Moony, love you too bestie 🫶🏼
@britishcigpads replied:
fucking betrayal. shame on you. my heart is now nothing but a pile of broken pieces. i shan't ever be whole again. Moony i loved you how could you do this? and James, a man i considered a brother, i'm not sure which hurts more...
@thebetterpotter replied:
bros in the wrong profession, u should be a poet or some shit
@reggiepotter replied:
@prxngs replied:
Ha! Caught in 4K!
@thebetterpotter replied:
Oh come on, I said shit 😒
@britishcigpads replied:
Cut the kid some slack, jeez Reg 🙄
@thebetterpotter replied:
uncle pads >>>>
@reggiepotter replied:
I'm done with you guys 🤦🏻‍♂️
@thebetterpotter replied:
bros homophobic 🙄
@britishcigpads replied:
fr tho, shame on u Reggie
@reggiepotter replied:
I'm literally married to a man
@prxngs replied:
even more reason to be ashamed, smh

Tap to view more comments


november 7th, 1993



@thebetterpotter: this man is who every person should aspire to be like

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@thebetterpotter: this man is who every person should aspire to be like. just look at him, he's literally the sweetest guy ever. he gave me chocolate, i love chocolate. i love u Uncle Remu 😭

Liked by: @britishcigpads, @remulupin, @harold_bpotter and 204 others.


@harold_bpotter: she was literally crying in his arms 2 minutes ago
@HermioneG replied:
Oh he really is very lovely, their bond is adorable
@lavxnderbrxwn replied:
Ikr! I wish I had an uncle like that!
@padmaxoxo replied:
Same! Professor Lupin is so cool and sweet
➪ @iloveluna replied:
He fr should win a best wizard of Britain award or smth
@harold_bpotter replied:
life would be so boring without Uncle Rem tbh
@thebetterpotter replied:
ngl I would acc kms if Moony died or some shit
@harold_bpotter replied:
same tho, we can jump off the astronomy tower together if it ever happens 😊
@thebetterpotter replied:
@prxngs replied:
...I'm slightly concerned that my kids would die if my bsf died but also... touched @remulupin u made my kids love u too much 😒
@remulupin replied:
Let's face it, I'm just everyone's favourite 🤷🏻‍♂️
@thebetterpotter replied:
tis true, Uncle Remus is my fav person
@harold_bpotter replied:
same, tied with uncle pads
@britishcigpads replied:
💪🏼😎 he's also my fav person
@reggiepotter replied:
...he isn't mine, he's a close second tho tied with Lily, James is first... 😊
@remulupin replied:
Good enough ig
@prxngs replied:
@reggiepotter nah why did my heart flutter as though u aren't my fucking husband 🤭
@britishcigpads replied:
ewww that's called love 🤮
@reggiepotter replied:

@britishcigpads: fuck I love Moony so much 😭
@prxngs replied:
Lads he's actually sobbing 😂
@reggiepotter replied:
you just gagged at james and i yet here you are, you're so whipped
@britishcigpads replied:
but it's moonyyyyy and u have james w/ u rn i have to wait another 5 hrs to see rem 😭
@thebetterpotter replied:
We can cry about our love for Remu together Uncle Pads 😭
@harold_bpotter replied:
She actually is crying rn, she's on her period again, I swear she just got it last month 😒
@reggiepotter replied:
Harry... darling, it's a monthly thing
harold_bpotter replied:
@prxngs replied:
Don't worry son, Moony didn't know what a period was til like 4th year or smth
@britishcigpads replied:
He actually didn't I had to explain it to him! Me! Of all ppl! 😂
@remulupin replied:
...I feel bullied
@prxngs replied:
We love u Remu 🫶🏼
@remulupin replied:


hope y'all liked this, i got rly bored and decided to make it, I'll update more if ppl like it ✌🏼

word count: 780

- kitler

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