Chapter 7- Something Strange

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Tommy POV

A few days had passed since the fire and Tommy found himself being isolated more and more. It was mostly his own choice, not wanting to see the glares that came around every corner. He often made his way up to his favorite spot in the castle.

It was the lowest tower in the castle, long since overtaken by vines. People rarely came up there, mostly because of the supposed hauntings. There had been several reports of a ghost walking up the stairs or appearing in windows. 

Tommy barely minded, finding it the perfect place to find himself. Sometimes he just needed some time to himself and the tower was the only place he could do that.

The blonde sat against the wall, looking at the window that peeked into the world below. He had been there for hours, showing no signs of moving. The breeze drifted through the opening, playing with his hair gently. The peace made him smile.

Taking a deep breath, Tommy readjusted the guitar in his lap. A gift from his mother. It was really the only thing that had kept him sane throughout his highs and lows. It was a way for him to express himself.

"Fly free, let go

Be the light, you've always shone

Stay true, stay blue."

He sang the lyrics as they came to his head. Fragments of his mind, woven together through music. His fingers plucked the strings mindlessly, making up a melody.

"Sing high, sing low

Don't be blind, open your eyes

Listen clear, listen well."

Sometimes he wondered if anyone ever heard him. He wondered if anyone cared. With every song he constantly asked the question, did his destiny lie somewhere else?

"Don't fall, fly free

Be the dark, fix the right

Breathe slow, breathe always."

A sudden crash made Tommy stop. With a pounding heart, he slowly stood up. Did that come from the window? He stepped towards the window and leaned out. Squinting, he quickly found the source of the sound. A huge brick shattered onto the path below.

He searched the surrounding area, trying to find a clue of how it could have possibly come from the tower. Maybe the ghost stories were true... He shook his head at the stupid idea. Tommy came back from the window, deciding to head back to his room.

He scooped up his guitar, swinging it over his back. With one final look on the room, he opened the door. He chuckled to himself, how could he think, for even a second, that the ghost stories were true? Seeing a ghost would be terrifying. He couldn't help but be glad he had never encountered one.

But one step out of the room and all of his fears came true. A pair of arms wrapped around his neck, causing him to cry out in surprise. He struggled, trying with all of his strength to pry away the arms as they squeezed harder and harder.

He coughed as his vision began to dwindle. He was losing consciousness. Air pumped into his lungs, attempting to keep him upright. But it wasn't enough.

Shadows fell over his eyes. And the last thing he heard was his guitar shattering into a million pieces.


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Hope you have a wonderful day!


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