Chapter 14

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She doesn't remember much, not her walk back to the Hotel. Though maybe she just took an uber. How much had she had to drink?

She tries to go through the files of her brain, she does remember at some point dancing with some random people. And she does remember dancing on the bar but after that, it's all blurry. Like she remembers the ending of a movie but the screen just won't load the next scene.

Though, when she wakes up she is on the couch in the living room.

'Had a fun night?' Someone around her talks. It sounds like Giovanni. She sits up and rubs her face. He is standing at the end of the couch with his arms crossed over his chest.

'I can't remember.' She smiles.
'You think your act of rebellion is funny?'
'I'm twenty-six. Is it really still rebellious?'
'I woke to your disappearance and you weren't answering your phone.'
'Were you worried?' She asked. She couldn't believe Giovanni was concerned.
'I was worried you were going to go do something else completely reckless and stupid and I'd have to fix yet another one of your mistakes.' He complains. Yep! That sounds about right.

'Get dressed!'
'We are going to do business.' She groans and throws her head into her hands. If she does any more business it's gonna kill her.

'NOW!' He demands. She gets up and goes to have a quick shower.

The warm water feels incredible on her skin, the steam all warm like a hug.

More moments of last night come back, did she kiss someone? She touched her lips as if that would bring it all back. But nothing sprung to mind.

'HURRY UP!' Giovanni screamed outside.

She rolled her eyes but got out, not wanting to make him any madder than he already was.

She got dressed in some neat jeans and an orange silk top. Putting her black jacket over the top like she always does.
When she walked into the living room there were two men with guns standing by Vanni.

'About fucking time.' He swore. They all headed downstairs, the silence between them. For once Vanni didn't seem to be in a talking mood.

They walked outside into the warm air, she wished she had left her jacket inside now but it was too late to turn around.

She was shoved into the black SUV and the car quickly took off.

'Where are we going?' She asked Vanni. Not actually expecting an answer.
'The casino?'

'What for?'
'No more questions!' He ordered and with that she stared out the window, quiet. She couldn't take any more of this. Bullshit topped with bullshit.

It felt like Giovanni was trusting her less and less.

Okay yes! She had made a few mistakes in the last week or so but Cece never made mistakes.

Vanni was texting on his phone the entire time, shutting her out like she didn't even exist.

After a while, the car finally pulled to a stop.

They got out and looked around. A grand Casino, the drivers in the SUV ignored the valet and drove off again.

'Let's go!' Vanni pulled on her arm like she wasn't walking right beside him.

Inside the casino, it was grand, vaulted ceilings that reached up to form a dome. All cream-coloured stone. A large front desk with a few people standing behind. There were two staircases behind the desk that lead to the second level and large doors on both the left and right leading to event rooms.

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