chapter 11

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Kie's POV:

I came home for Christmas and I'm not going to lie anymore. I missed JJ. I wanted to tell him how I feel. So I drove to John B's and knocked on the door.

"Hi, before you tell me to fuck off I need to know where JJ is"

"He isn't here!" Pope said

"He blocked my number. If you see him please tell him I'm sorry and that I need to tell to him"

"You know he didn't cheat on you, right?" John B asked

"He thought it was you in the shower. He turned around and it was Ashley. You walked in right after that. He said nothing happened" Pope said

Wow... I didn't expect that.

"Do you believe him?"

"Yeah, he's our brother. He might do a lot of stupid shit but he doesn't lie about this kind of stuff" John B said looking at me

"He's in Yucatán... He left two days ago. Something about it's in his bucket list" Pope said

"Shit.." I whispered to myself

"Thank you!" I yelled as I ran to my car

I packed a bag and I booked a flight for Yucatán. My mom wasn't happy as I was leaving in Christmas Eve.

"Where on Earth do you think you're going young lady?"

"I need to go to Mexico!" I said back

"No, you are not leaving us on Christmas Eve. You were gone last year" My mom yelled back at me

"Mom, I need to go. I love you and I'm sorry" I said getting into the uber

I ran through security and got on the plane. I picked out my favorite pictures of me and JJ and posted them on instagram. I hope he would see this. I know he blocked me because my texts weren't sending.

I landed and I had zero idea where to go. It was almost as if JJ read my mind and he called me.

"Hey" I said excited that called

"I need you" He said and he sounded hurt like he was crying

"Where are you?" I asked concerned

"In Yucatán... It's a long story but I need you. I'm sorry."

"I know you're in Yucatán. I talked to John B and Pope. I'm here too. I'm at the airport"

I could hear JJ crying. He told me to come to the beach. I got there as fast as I could. JJ was sitting on the beach and he looked like he was in a ton of pain.

"Jayge" I said approaching him

He looked at me and his lip was busted open, he had a black eye, and his knuckles were bloody. I could tell he had been crying.

"What happened?" I asked sitting next to him

"Long story, we need to get out of here"

"Well, you can't get on a plane looking like that. Come on" I said as we walked to a resort

We snuck into a bathroom and locked the door. JJ sat on the counter and I went to find a first aid kit. When I returned, I started cleaning JJ up. He didn't say anything.

"Kie, thank you"

"For what?"

"Everything, for being here, taking care of me."

"I'm guessing you found your dad then" She said brining up the elephant in the room

"Yeah, he has a girlfriend, Carly. I stayed with them first two full days and it was great. The family I never had. Then today I was woken up and they demanded money and they teamed up and fought me."

"I'm so sorry, J..."

"It's whatever, at least I know that he hasn't changed. I really need to get out of Yucatán right now"

"Okay, where should we go? It's Christmas Eve and flights are all booked. I'm sure all the hotels are booked too."

I checked my phone for anywhere to stay. I also was looking at flights. There was nothing that left today.

We went to the airport and found a somewhat cozy spot to spend the night. I booked two flights back to OBX for tomorrow morning.

JJ wasn't talking and I didn't expect him to. He also didn't want to go back to OBX, but I made him. He was still shaking from the fight.

We were sitting next to each other with our backs against the wall. I put my arm around him and I allowed him to rest his head on my shoulder. He fell asleep and I stayed awake to watch our bags. I woke him up early the next morning and whispered, "Merry Christmas, J"

He opened his eyes and he said, "Merry Christmas"

He was still groggy as we boarded the plane. We weren't sitting next to each other as we booked last minute. I was next to a mom and little boy so they weren't going to switch. JJ was next to some mean looking business man.

"Excuse me, sir. Would you mind switching seats with me?" I asked

"No, go away bitch"

"Hey!" JJ said defending me

"Please, my boyfriend got mugged last night and he's not feeling well. He's dizzy and could throw up during the flight. I need to be by him to make sure he's okay."

"Disgusting" The guy said leaving and going to my seat

I happily sat down next to JJ who laughed.

"Wow, how things change. Last time I was next to you on a plane you wanted to get away from me. Now you're lying to strangers and calling me your boyfriend"

"Shut up, we're friends okay?"

"Works for me" He smirked back at me

We landed back home and JJ called John B to come get us. He came in his famous van with Pope.

"Damn, you really weren't lying to us" Pope said

"Nope" JJ said popping the p

I asked John B to drop me off at my house and he did. I thanked him for the ride and I looked at JJ and said, "We'll talk later"


I went back inside and my mom was furious. She saw my instagram post. Everyone saw the post and decided fo lecture me on how dirty that makes me for hanging out with a pogue.

"Being friends with a pogue makes me dirty? What does the make you? You married one!" I yelled back at my mom

"It's completely different, Kiara! Your father came from a hardworking family. JJ has a dad who does drugs, drinks alcohol, lies, steals, and ends up in jail"

"JJ is nothing like Luke!" I said defending him

"You aren't allowed to to see him. God only knows what could happen with the two of you alone"

"I'm an adult. I can do whatever you want. You're scared I'm going to sleep with JJ? Well guess what? I already did." I said grabbing my stuff and leaving the house

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