chapter 16

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Kie's POV:

JJ had been so sweet this whole trip and then we met these cute Australian boys. Thomas and I clicked instantly. They were all so nice and I loved talking to them. Yes, I kissed Thomas but it was only because he kissed me first. I broke it off and told him I couldn't. 

Then JJ got all pissed and carried me to bed. I wasn't thinking clearly and the next morning, we got in a huge fight. I left for the airport and my flight didn't leave for hours. When it finally came time to get on the plane, I couldn't. 

Pope and John B walked by and said, "Kie, you missed your flight!"

"You should come home with us" Pope said 

"I didn't miss it. I just didn't get on it. I don't want to go back to California to college." I admitted

"So come to OBX" John B said and tears came to my eyes

"I really fucked up... I have nowhere that feels like home anymore ever since I met JJ"

"It's not too late, I promise. He's on a plane to New Zealand. Get on the next one and we'll find out where he's staying" John B said and they both were so supportive

I got on a plane and they sent me the treehouse JJ was in. I knocked on the door and JJ opened it and he looked pissed until he saw me.

"Kie" He whispered confused

"When I started my gap year traveling, I had this list of things I hoped I would get to do. One of them included meeting my soulmate and falling in love. Of course, that was never going to happen because I never wanted a long-distance relationship. Then I met you in Spain and every rumor I've ever heard about you totally wasn't true. You became my best friend over those ten months we spent together. Then we finally had sex in Finland and you were so quiet and weird the next morning. I tried so hard to disconnect because I know you only do hookups. You told me you never wanted to fall in love or be in a relationship." I said wiping away some tears before I kept going

"Then the Ashley thing happened and I honestly thought you fucked her. I know now that you didn't and it was just her being a slut. But it made it easier for me not to love you. Fuck, I wanted to tell you that I loved you that night in Finland but I didn't. I wanted to tell you when you came back to OBX. I wanted to tell you our first night in Australia. But I was too damn scared that you didn't feel the same way anymore. I tried to forget it and then Thomas kissed me. It felt wrong and I told him I was in love with someone else. Then of course, we got into a huge fight and I left to go back to school."

"But school fucking sucks, it sucked before Ashley was my roommate but it sucks even more seeing her every single day because I keep replaying that day in my head and I wonder what would've happened if I would have kicked her out and listened to you right away. And I can't go to OBX because it doesn't feel like home anymore. Nowhere feels like home after traveling so much. The only place that feels like home is when I'm with you. I fucked up, Jayge and I'm so sorry. But I'm done. I'm finishing this semester of school and then I want to travel the world with you full-time. I have no idea how I'm going to pay for it, but I don't care because I love you."

I was a mess by the time I finished that speech and JJ listened to all of it. He didn't say anything at first. He just looked at me and then he asked, "Are you sure?"

"About what?"

"That you want to travel full-time with me? A pogue? And that you love me?"

I just looked into his eyes and said, "Yes, one-thousand times yes to all of the above"

He grabbed me and he kissed me passionately. We were making out and we didn't plan on stopping. He brought me to the bedroom and we had the most amazing sex. I laid in bed with him after and said, "Wow, first an igloo and now a treehouse"

JJ laughed and said, "Only the best for you"

"I missed you so much" I said as he pulled me closer to him

"I missed you too... So when do you have to go back?"

"Since I'm here now, I'm not making it to class tomorrow. I have to go back to California tomorrow."

"Well, we have today in New Zealand so let's make the best of out of it" He said as we had a few hours left of daylight and we did just that

The next morning, JJ and I went to the airport and he bought two tickets to California. 

"You're coming with me?" I asked surprised

"Well, I'm not going to be away from you for another two months," He said and I kissed him

We got on the plane to head back to the United States. I told him all about how boring the flight to Australia was without him.

"Lucky for you, you won't ever have to travel without me again" He said as we began planning out next adventures

We eventually made it back to my dorm room. We walked in and Ashley was laying in bed. JJ looked at her and then I looked at her and she said, "Oh look, it's the guy who fucked me in the shower"

"Wrong, he's my boyfriend" I said kissing JJ in front of her with tongue 

"Okay, gross! Stop the PDA" Ashley said

"If you don't like it, get out!" JJ said as he continued to kiss me

Ashley decided to switch rooms the next day and she moved out. That meant, I had the dorm to myself again. Well, now a place for JJ to stay.  

I spent the next few weeks finishing school and hanging out with JJ. We explored almost all of California on the weekends.

The time came when we loaded up my car after finals and we drove back to OBX to drop everything at my parent's house.

JJ and I were about an hour away from OBX when I asked, "Are you sure you want to go back?"

"For you, yes. I'd move back if that's what you wanted"

JJ was driving and he pulled up to my house. He looked at me and my parents came running out.

"Ready for this?" He asked as my parents didn't know JJ and I were together and that I was done with school

"No, but here we go" I said as we got out of the car

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