8 - Kira

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I wake up the next morning feeling stronger than ever... And aroused. Only now do I feel a strong arm, holding me in place so I look over my shoulder and see a sleeping Shawn. The thought that he came in here last night to hold me makes my heart swell a little. Or you could say that it's creepy. I prefer to think of the first one.

It takes all my willpower not to jump his bones. Even though I've never had sex, my want and need for him is overwhelming and a little scary.

I slowly wiggle my way out from under his arm and out of bed. Quietly closing the door behind me, I go into the bathroom where I look at myself in the mirror and when I see myself, I smile. I'm looking like myself again. Not that green thing.

Taking a quick shower, I get dressed in a long, flowy, light blue skirt and a white tank top. Then I go into the kitchen to make breakfast, but Sharon has beat me to it.

When she sees me, she smiles. "Morning, Kira." Returning her smile, I say, "good morning, Sharon. Did you sleep well?" She nods. "Like a baby. You couch is awesome." I chuckle. "And you're spoiling us with breakfast. Thank you so much."

"Yeah, well, I wasn't expecting to see you for a while." She wiggles her eyebrows, making me blush hard, which makes her laugh. "That's what I've heard about mates. The intense sexual need for each other." I blush harder. "Uhm, yes. You don't have a mate?"

She sighs. "No, not everybody finds theirs but I'm still hoping I will." I sit down at the kitchen table and say, "I hope so too."

"Aww, thanks sis." We smile at each other again. She's nice to me and she has so easily accepted me. There's no judgement at all and I'm so grateful for that.

"So, how's my brother in the sack," she asks, making my already red cheeks turn tomato red. "Are you seriously asking about your brothers sex life," I ask her, making her chuckle. "Yes, why not? I'm so happy he found his mate so I'm curious."

Still blushing, I look down and clear my throat. "Yeah, well, we haven't... You know." She quirks a brow. "What? You haven't had sex yet?" I shake my head. "Uhm, no."

"Why no... Ohh, are you a virgin?"

My face becomes so red it feels like it's on fire and I almost whisper, "... yes." She smiles a little and says, "wow. How did you manage that?"

I shrug. "Well, I haven't had many friends in my life. I did have a boyfriend for a short period when I was seventeen, but all we did was kiss,"

"Wow. Are you scared about having sex?" she asks. Clearing my throat again, I slowly nod. "A little."

I've never talked about me being a virgin with anyone. Well, I've talked to my friend, Chloe, about it a little but no one else.

Sharon comes over to me, puts her hand on my shoulder, and says with a soft voice, "there's absolutely nothing to be scared of. Sex is amazing; especially with the right partner." I think for a moment before I ask, "but doesn't it hurt?"

"Only for a minute. Then it's pure pleasure. That's if the man knows what he's doing. Don't worry. When the time comes, your partner will guide you through it. It's natural." I smile shyly. "Okay... Thanks." She gives me a bright smile and says, "Anytime."

Just then, Shawn comes into the kitchen, yawning before he cups my face with his hands and gives me a soft kiss. "Good morning, beautiful." I smile at him. "Good morning, handsome." He smirks and winks at me, making me blush again. Is it hot in here?

"Hey, I'm standing right here," Sharon says, faking being offended. He chuckles and kisses her on her cheek. "Good morning, Sharon."

"Morning, bro. Hungry?" He sits down at the table, pulls my chair closer to his, and buries his face in my hair before he inhales. A low growl rumbles in his chest while he says, "very!"

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