Chapter One

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Avery collapsed, panting.

"Well done, you beat me."

Emelie sighed and sheathed her sword, covered in rust.

"Avery, it's war! The fae won't leave because your out of breath."

Avery sighed and stood up, feeling as those everyone was staring at her. She cast a quick glance over the arena, but everyone else was concentrating on the weapons being thrusted at them.

"Ok, let's go again."


Avery stepped out of the cold shower, the air warm on her skin, and stared into the mirror.

It was times like this when she didn't know how she felt. Sometimes when she'd glance at a window and see her reflection she'd like it, the way her black hair fell thick and straight around her face, with a smattering of freckles. She liked the way the light hit her honey eyes, changing colour as she tilted her head. But then, at times like this, she hated herself. Hated the way her thighs spread when she sat, hated the small curve of her stomach, the way her nose crinkled as she focused. Hated all of it. Hated the softness, the roundness of her face. She ached to look more like Emelie, like a warrior. Emelie, with her strong jaw, large brow and fierce personality. With her frizzy orange curls that were just as stubborn as her.

Avery began to get dressed in the forest green uniform, humming the tune her mother would sing her every night before bed. She didn't know the meaning of the words, but the song was hauntingly beautiful.

"Premenons-nous dans les bios,
Pendants que le féerique n'y est pas,
Si elle féerique y était,
Il nous mangerait,
Mais comme elle n'y est pas,
Elle n' nous mangera pas,
'Féerique y es-tu?
Que fais-tu?'
Premenons-nous dans les bios."

Avery smiled at the bittersweet memory, remembering the smell of lavender and honey that always drifted around her mother. She was seven again, rolling out the dough to make bread. Her sleeves were rolled up, and sunlight flittered through the window, beautiful patterns blooming on the wall like the flowers that grew in the garden outside. Avery breathed in, trying to keep the memory close. It was rare for Avery to get these flashbacks to her old life, of times before. And so, she treasured them close, hoarded in her heart.

Avery looked out her window, it wasn't sunny now. The rain pitter-patted against the ground, making the world appear later than it really was. Or had she just been in the shower for too long?  No. It was the rain. She hasn't been in the shower more than ten minutes, surely?


Avery sat at the long dining table, the rough wood chafing her legs as always. Though it was almost comforting to know that one thing would be the same, even just for a while.

She looked along the table, everyone else jostling and joking with each other. Talking, laughing. She felt a pant of loneliness, and of jealousy. She wished she could fit in so easily, slot into the puzzle like the missing piece. Maybe she could, if she wasn't so awkward and odd. Emelie hadn't come to the table yet, or maybe she had and was sitting with someone else. It hurt to know that her best friend, her only friend, could fit so easily into others groups. Avery hated how comfortable she was with everyone, hated how Avery couldn't be like that.

She heard a tray clattering down beside her and turnt, glad to see a familiar face but a heavy rock of guilt hung in her stomach.

"Got you an extra bread roll, they had raspberry jam, your favourite."

Avery stared hungrily at the bread roll, it had been so long since she had had jam, let alone raspberry jam. But she looked down at her thighs, spread out over the seat.

"You have it. I'm not to hungry."

Emelie squinted her emerald eyes at her and shoved the bread roll closer.
"We've got another group coming through tomorrow, food will be low for a while."


Hey guys! Welcome to chapter one :) Vote and leave a comment if you liked it. Next chapter will be out sometime next week.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2022 ⏰

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