Chapter one: missing kids.

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☏☏☏☏  = time skip.

North Denver 1978

3rd POV.

"Last strike!"

"Ooo and you missed another Bruce." The catcher of the baseball game know as y/n, teased the pitcher. He has just caught the ball Bruce missed. It's the catchers job to do things like that, tricks to help the pitcher on their team.

"Watch this, then." Bruce smirked throwing his bat behind his shoulder getting ready for the big swing. And with one lucky swing he had hit the ball.

"You guys almost got me." Bruce winked at y/n which earned an eye roll. After doing so Bruce was off, making an home run as the ball was hit over the gate.

His team erupted into cheers.

"It's alright finn." Y/n comforted the boy wrapping his arm around him. "We'll beat him next time."

"I guess you're right." Finney sulked. His eyes only dimming at the sight of Bruce walking towards the two.

"Hey! You guys almost got me." Bruce laughed. "You guys are a really good duo, I'll see you next time?"

"See you later Bruce." Y/n scoffed fist bumping the boy.

"See ya!" Bruce cheered. "Also finn! Your arm is mint!"

"Thanks." Was all finn was able to mumble. Still sulking about his lost.


1st POV.

Things feel weird around here. I thought to myself, as I laid back onto the couch. I have to leave for school in a few minutes but something's on my mind. Bruce. He was here not so long ago and now he's gone. Without a trace. And mother hasn't been home recently. She hasn't been leaving food for me either. I'm so hungry, but I can to be grateful.. I guess.


Finn and his sister had picked me up. We were all walking along side each other when Gwen, Finn's sister started ranting about how she's in love with some famous guy, I mean I could care less. I'm more so focusing on the missing posters of Bruce we keep passing by. I really miss him. We had only been friends for an few months but.. I can't help but miss him.

"You noticed them too huh..?" Finn stated a bit too loud which made me jump.

"The posters?" I asked to be sure that's what he was talking about.

"Yeah, they're new." Finn looked down at his feet. The area around us got darker. I could feel the tension in the air.

"You guys think they'll find him..?" Finn asked biting his lip.

"Not the way they want to.." Gwen responded. I nodded in agreement. If only nothing had ever happened to him.

"We need to go we're gonna be late." I sniffled slightly walking a tad bit faster than them.

Our walking turned into running when we heard students yelling "FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!"

The students formed a circle around two students. Two students I know very well.

The bully, and my friend, Robin.

"I will nail you to the grown you scrawny little beaner." The school's tall white curly haired bully yelled.

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