Chapter five: the escape.

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Warning: murder


Finn was filling the phone with dirt, he told me that Robin told him to do so and use it as a weapon against the grabber, I was using the part of the toilet along with screws I had found to create a trip wire there for the grabber would trip on it and fall in the hole we had made, Finn had also put the bars from the window in the hole so he would get hurt, hopefully break his foot when he falls. So he couldn't chase us.

Me and Finn could hear soft raindrops, very faint. We both turned our heads in sync to the shatter proof window we failed to escape from. It was indeed raining. Way to set the mood.

I slowly turned to finn, my heart pounding against my chest. The basement reflecting off my eyes. "You ready?" I asked him.

"Yeah." He responded standing in front of the phone holder in a fighting stance, the phone in his right hand. Me on the other hand was waiting on the other side of the room. Our plan was an attack from the front and the back.

Suddenly the basement light turned on, signaling that someone was approaching the basement. Both of us were breathing heavily. Our chest raising faster and faster by the second as the heavy metal door opened.

"No fucking way." I heard a deep voice. One that didn't sound like the grabber said.

I turned to get a better look. It was indeed not the grabber and my eyes lit up with hope. There was a man with fluffy-ish brown hair and brown eyes.

"You have to help us!" Finn shouted with hope. I'm guessing- I know this is the grabbers brother. The one he talked about.

"C-call our parents please, hurry." I begged.

"Oh listen guys, don't worry he's not here he-he had to go into work. Uh I'm max man stay calm. God no wonder he was freaking out this morning." Suddenly he paused and me and Finn slowly looked at each other. "Hey guys wanna know the story of how I found you guys?"

"No no no just help us. We don't have time—" I tried to say but he cut me off.

"Hey no no don't worry about it we have plenty of time—-" he wasn't able to finish his sentence because the grabber sent an axe right in his head and me and Finn watched in horror. Finn let out an horrifying scream as I was too shocked to move, Knowing we were next, and no match against a man with an giant axe, he even killed his own brother, he's an demon.

"Look what you guys made me do." The grabber spoke as we watched in horror. "You guys made me kill my brother."

"No- it wasn't us.. I.." Finn tried to speak but was too terrified to let out a word.

"He was an idiot. But he was my idiot." He frowned, which I could see because he only had the top piece of his mask not the bottom. He was currently towering over his brothers dead body looking at it with shivering teeth. "Sorry max. Now I'm gonna have to put you with the others." He sighed. "Looks like you'll find those naughty boys after all."

We watched as he pulled the axe out his brothers lifeless head. The noise and blood made it ten times worse.

"What's up with the phone, huh?" The grabber asked Finn. "I told you IT DOESN'T WORK!"
He titled his head to the right. "Normally I would use a knife but you boys are different. You guys are special. I'm going to take my time, I want this to really hurt you two."

Suddenly he yelled. "Samson!" And a large black dog came running down the basement stairs. He looked to be a pit bull but I could be wrong. He looked very violent though.

He gripped the dog by the caller remaining eye contact with us. He placed his dog in the corner of the room while looking at me. Like he knew my every move.

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