Chapter three: failed plan.

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Song that fits the chapter:

Tw: mention of s/a


I slowly opened my eyes, all I could see were the basement WALLS* and Finn's hair, everything was blurry though. I hadn't gotten a lot of sleep, around an hour. It was difficult to sleep knowing where I was sleeping. The place all the missing kids had slept.

"Stop it." I suddenly heard finn say. My eyes were dragged down to him but instantly brought away at another voice.

"Stop what?" I heard. I looked towards my left to see the grabber leaning up against the wall, only wearing the mouth piece to his mask.

Me and Finn both jumped up against the wall. A thousand things going through my mind. I was so scared I wanted to cry. But I know I can't do that. Crying won't solve anything.

"I'm hungry." Finn suddenly stated. "We need food."

"How are your eye's, boy's?" The grabber asked changing the subject.

"They hurt." Finn responded.

"Mhm." I gulped. The smell of dirty basement and unclean sheets were running through my nose, it was hard to focus.

"Well, I can't bring you guys anything to eat. You guys will have to wait." The grabber responded standing up from the wall walking to the door.

"Is there someone upstairs who will see you bring us food?" Finn asked.

"Don't you worry about that." The grabber said grabbing ahold of the door ready to shut it.

I snapped. What the fuck? What is wrong with him?! "If you weren't going to feed us why'd you even come down here?!" I stated not raising my voice, I have no idea what he would do to me if I did.

"Just to look at you guys." He began shutting the door and my hand's were shaking. Would he touch us..? "I just wanted to look at my boys. I'll go.."

I looked over to Finn and he had the same shocked expression as me. He looked so terrified. Worse than me. He grabbed onto my shirt and pressed his back against the wall. I wrapped my arm around his shoulders to calm him down.

He seemed to calm down a bit by this but it didn't take long, maybe ten minutes of shivering in fear, for the phone to ring. This time we both heard it.

Finn stood up from the bed and pressed the phone against his ear.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Just static..." he responded waiting for a moment to hear anything else. "Hello? Is someone there? My name is finney Blake and I'm with y/n l/n. We're locked in the grabbers basement. Hello?"

He looked at me in shame. Hope leaving his eyes. But then terror was seen in them. He jumped and hung up the phone.

"What is it?" I asked the panicked male.

Finn rang up against the wall not uttering a word to me.

"What?!" I asked again. But he didn't have a chance to respond, because the phone rang again. This time I ran up to it and picked it up.

"Don't hang up." A boys voice spoke through the phone. My eyes went wide and I slowly looked up to finn who was slowly coming closer.

"I won't." I responded leaning up against the wall my heart beating faster than ever.

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