One Direction♥

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The weeks went by really fast for both of them. During weekends they would end up staying at each others house, reading, and makeovers all the stuff girls do. Before they knew it, it was the day for the concert!!


Karla was at my house doing her makeup. She seemed so consentrated While she did her eyeliner and mascara. I went behind her and yelled boo. She was laughing at first but then i noticed she was crying. I started apolagizing and she said it was ol that she had poked her eye with the mascara. And i knew that, that must burn alot it had happened to me to. So i got get a tissue and we laughed about it again after we were done getting ready and all my mom said it was time to go.

We looked pretty hot in ny opinion. I was wearing a hot pink tanktop with a black butterfly on it and some black sparkly skinny jeans. Also my hair was in a messy ponytail. I had black flats on. My eyeliner was at the top of my eyelid, and i had sprakly lip gloss on. Also as accessories I had hoop earings and a bracelet that said i love One Direction another one that said i ship Larry and another one that said i ship Ziall and another one that said i love Niall Horan.

Karla was wearing a blue sparkly top that looked like it had painted it on her. It actually complimented her she looked comfortable in it so that's a good thing. She had black skinny jeans on, she had flats on as well. They had a little bow at the top. Her hair was wavy and her bangs were clipped to the side. Her eyeliner was at the top of her eyelid and at the bottom to. She liked red lips so she added a little red lipstick on as well as shine. Her accessories were almost the same as mine except she had butterfly earings on and her braclets said the same thing except she had I love Zayn Malik on hers.

We got to the concert and it was packed we didnt know what to do. So we went all the way in the front and asked they told us to wait in a little room they took us. Then they told us we were gonna give us front row seats because we had backstage passes. They say us right in the front. I looked to my side and karla looked all nervous, why wouldn't she soon we would meet One Direction soon. I just looked at her and smiled, she smiled back and grabbed my hand. Her hands were cold but sweaty. Compared to mine which were warm and sweaty.

All of a sudden we heard a girl from behind us let out a hugh pitched scream and said "OMG ITS THEM"!!! All the girls started cheering. Before me and karla looked to the front we looked at each other and grinned we turned around to see One Dorection standing right infront of us. Niall did his famous jump. Louis spanked Harrys butt, and I'm pretty sure he was sure that everybody was looking. Because all the girls started yelling "OMG LOUIS!!!!!!" I swear we coukdve lost our hearing.

They greeted their fans. And started singing first was "Rock me" they would mix some words up, so it would be funny. 2nd was "Kiss you", 3rd was " Tell me a lie", 4th was "I Want", 5th was "Heart Attack". After that they answered some questions from Twitter. We were both so enthusiastic.

Karla looked at me with fear in her eyes. I asked her what was wrong. She pointed to the twitter question. And I asked her what about it. She said to look at the name...its was her question. It said: So would you guys ever do a gang bang, and who would do who? I looked at her, she said she only asked because she thought no one would ever see it. Well that didn't happen. Then we realized everything had gotten all quiet, we looked all around and notcied that everybody was looking at One Direction waiting for their answer.

Liam looked like he was gonna throw up, Louis and Harry were looking at each other with huge grins in their face, Niall had a huge blush on his face, and Zayn was contemplating about the answer. They all looked at each other in unison and before Liam could say anything Louis and Harry said " Yeh that sound like fun". Niall burst out into his famous laugh. Zayn was just smiling and Liam....well you could tell Liam was panicking. He didn't know what to say. So he just nodded.

Everybody just started laughing and they read the next question like nothing had happened. From there everything went by so fast. Karla was nervous as fuck because she didn't know if they would recognize her when we went backstage to meet them. So she just looked down the whole time everybody was leaving. A lady came to get us from were we were both. Karla knew who it was. I still hadnt catched up. Until she looked at me and mouthed "Management" I looked at the lady and did a little " Oh" with my mouth.


Thank you for whoever is reading this I pretty much upload everyday so yup. Go any questions then comment and I will answer.

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