Flirtation or Imagination??

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Sorry I know I havent updated for what the last 2 days?? Not sure ive been.....busy. I really appreciate that you guys read my stuff even though its kinda shity. But yeh thanks a lot.


Chapter 5

Karla's POV.

The management lady had tooken us into a green "little" room. Apparently it was the game room. It had a Wii, Play station, Xbox, and MUCH MUCH more. She told us to sit and wait for the"Boys". In my mind i was thinking "TEENAGE SEXY MOFO GUYS HERE!! NOT BOYS." At the mention of them I got all tensed up again. What if they recognized me. At the time when I wrote the stupid question I never thought they would ever see it. Now I see I was wrong.

I looked over at Estefani she just hugged me and said " everything will be fine, they wont even know our names. Trust me, just calm down or they might notice your all jittery." She was about to say something else, when she was interrupted by laughter. Then Niall, Zayn, Liam, Harry, and Louis came in. I looked at them...and they were still as DAMN SEXY as ever, and Estefani agreed because she couldnt stop blushing and smiling. I had a huge smile on my face and was looking down.

Liam was the first to talk. He was looking at us with a smile on his face and said " Estefani, Karla follow me". I looked at Estefani and whispered " oh yeh, THEY ARENT EVEN GONNA KNOW OUR NAMES!!" I sended her a glare, and she just mouthed sorry.

Liam was in the front leading us to....THE TOUR BUS??!! I could feel Estefani staring at me, I looked at her with wide eyes because I didnt know what was going on either. The rest if the boys were behind us..... like they were blocking us from going back. I made eye contact with Zayn, he winked and I looked down. I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks. I heard them snickering. I had a strange feeling they were staring at out butt's, but i was not going to turn around and make sure. We got on the bus.

Liam was talking about something, but I wasnt paying attention. He was interrupted by Estefani suddenly asking " Why are we in the tour bus!?" She sounded kinda nervous. He looked like he wasnt expecting that question. He looked at the other guys for help. Then Louis answered for him and said " its better to hang in here, than backstage because a lot of paparazzi takes pictures......and well it gets pretty annoying."

We just noddes our heads like we totally understood. To me that sounded so fake, but why would they have a reason to lie to us?

Estefani's POV.

We were still sitting on the red fancy seat. Karla was still kind of jittery, but she had calmed down a bit so that was a good thing. Liam was talking about I'm guessing were rules. But really though did we need rules? We were both 14, old enough to know how to behave and act. Karla just kept nodding like she knew what he was talking about.

We both looked up when he suddenly asked " How old are you guys anyways?" Karla looked at me. I looked at Liam and said we both are 14. Liam looked at the guys, that were sitting in the other couch. I saw their eyes light up and a smirk grew huge on their lips. That made me kind of scared. I know karla noticed that to, because I felt her shiver besides me.

I didn't expect what was asked next. Niall suddenly blurted out "Are ya guys virgins?!". His accent was thick and his pupils were blown out. I was not going to answer that. I looked down and I was furiously blushing. Karla suddenly stood up and looked at Niall dead in the eyes and said/ yelled " WE DO NOT HAVE TO ANSWER THAT, IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS WETHER WE ARE OR NOT." She sat back down her face was a little red and her fists were opening and closing. She looked right back down again.

The Zayn and Harry had a grin on their face, but Niall, Liam, and Louis didn't know what to do. Then Zayn spoke up and said " a little fire cracker arent ya Karla". She looked up and turned around,looked at him and flipped him off. He just laughed it off and winked. I was looking at her wide eyed with my mouth opened. I had no idea what had gotten into her.

Liam hushed Zayn up and told him to be nice to the guests. Zayn just rolled his eyes. I looked towards the window even though it was dark, and I noticed thebbus was moving. Then they all laughed besides Karla who was still looking down. Thats when I noticed something was wrong.

AGH I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE TO WRITE FOR THE NEXT CHAPPY!!!? But I am very happy I got done with this.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2013 ⏰

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