You and Me!

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Paige's POV-

"Come back, babe," Cole said to me while grabbing my arm.

"No you cheated on me, again. I let you off the hook ever single time, but this time you went too far. It hurts Cole, it hurts. You cheated on me with my best friend. This time you can't win me back. We're over, Cole, I'm breaking up with you," I said while getting out of his grasp. Tears threatening to pour out of my eyes.

"Come on Paige, I know what I did was wrong, but can't you forgive me? I promise I won't ever do it again." He asked with no feelings in his tone.

"No, I can't forgive you, at least not this time. You say that every time, but you still cheat. I don't think I can trust you anymore." I said while trying to slide my way through the door.

Before I could go outside Cole stopped me by slamming the door shut.

"Paige if you walk out today we're over," Cole said with surprisingly some emotion in his voice.

"I don't think you heard me, but I already broke up with you. Now if you could move out of my way I have to get home," I said.

With that I made my way around him and walked out leaving a shocked Cole alone. I started walking to my house which was around 10 minutes away if you walked. As I was walking I could feel warm liquid on my face. Stupid tears. My Blonde hair kept getting stuck to my warm tears. My green eyes not being able to see too much, because of the tears that were slightly blinding me. I ran and kept running until I reached my home or as Cole likes to call it 'mansion'. Although he shouldn't be talking, his house is twice as big as mine. I went towards the gate and rang the bell waiting for someone to open the door for me. After waiting for 2 minutes out butler, Demetrius, opened the gate for me. Without saying a word to him I ran towards my room and went straight towards my closet. I opened the door to the closet and walked in searching for a unused box. I found and old brown cardboard box to put all of Cole's stuff and memories in.

I walked towards my wall and snatched off all the pictures of him and me together. I went towards my bed and grabbed all the gifts he bought for me and gathered then up. I spotted a blanket that was new, but who cares its not like I cant get another one. I put all the gifts in the blanket and tied it up and threw it out my window as far as I could. After that I gathered up all the things that reminded me of Cole and dropped them into the box. When I was done putting all the stuff in the box I gave it to my butler and told him to throw it away.

Time went by and I was on my bed thiniking about all the events that happened today.

Cole was my boyfriend for 1 year and today wasn't the first time he cheated on me. He's done it before, but somehow he was able to distract me into believing in him and not breaking up with him. He would cheat on me with all the whores in our school. The school we went to was filled with different types of people. Cole is the most popular guy from our school. His school title is a player. His amazingly sexy looks could make any girl fall head over heels. I guess I was one of them. I am a regular girl who isn't too skinny or fat. I am a girl who has all A's, but I still play sports. I'm naturally beautiful as my friends call me, but I think they only say that because their my friends. I'm not the most popular girl in the whole school, but most people know me.

I knew that Cole would cheat on me again, but I couldn't help but fall for his bad boy ways. He was a rule breaker, heart breaker, he tore things apart and that's what I liked about him. Now I broke up with him theirs no going back. He broke my heart over and over again. He was my past and I need to forget about him.

Cole's POV-

I cant believe she left. I've cheated on her before, but that's how it is. I can't stick with one girl, but there was something about her that made me want her. The way she was able to flip me off and still be kind and gentle. She was everything I wanted, but I lost all of that today. I never cared about a girl this much in my whole life. She was something different to me. I feel like there's a part of me missing because she's not here with me. I want her in my arms close to me. I need her in my arms close to me. After all she is my mate.

Let me explain I'm a werewolf. My kind live all over the world but some people are still unaware of, like Paige. Our school's population is filled with werewolfs and I'm the alpha of the pack. Meaning the leader of the pack. We only have one pack in the state of New York. Most of my pack lives in the pal house. Some people are spread out around the state because they have found their mates and want to live with their growing families. That's why all the werewolves from the high school live in the house. Some of them have found their mates but aren't ready to move out. Paige's my mate. Although it's not unlikely to have a human mate it's still quite surprising so I haven't told Paige about us. I know that once she finds out of my kind she'll go running the other way, and the only reason I Pagie thinks I'm cheating on her is because I go home with a girl so I can go to the weekly pack meetings. They're usually at different places in our city and usually we the girls decide where we are going to have the meetings because they pick the best secretive places.

I can't tell Paige all of this until her 18th birthday because that's the date chosen by my entire pack to reveal our secret to her.

I guess I just have to wait to tell her, but I need to keep her always from those stupid hormonal human boys.


I CHANGED ISABEL'S NAME TO PAIGE SO TRY NOT TO GET CONFUSED!! Please tell me what you think. Your comments and votes mean a lot to me.





I LOVE YOU!!!!!;)

You and Me! (Cody Christian<3)Where stories live. Discover now