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A LOUD SIGH ESCAPED [ NAME ]'S LIPS AS THE LIBRARIAN GLANCED AT HER, she chuckled as she grabbed a book and handed it over to the bored Qilin .

. . What's this ? ❞ [ Name ] asked, inspecting the book as the Librarian━ who is named ' Lisa ', giggled at her actions .

❝ I thought this might entertain you for a little while, please be careful with it though ! ❞ Lisa smiled at [ Name ], who looked at Lisa and gave her a small ' thank you ' .

❝ Hey, Lisa ? ❞ [ Name ] suddenly spoke as Lisa stopped what she was doing and looked at the second eldest Lapis, ❝ Yes ? ❞

❝ What are you working on ? ❞ Exhilirated, [ Name ] is once she observed what Lisa was doing, the Librarian smiled as she responded, ❝  A portal, my dear . . Say, have you read the book yet ? ❞

[ Name ] shook her head as Lisa dramatically sighed, ❝ Please, read it now . ❞

Smiling, [ Name ] nodded as she and Lisa went back to what they were doing earlier, [ Name ] opened the book .

As she observed, the writing was rather . . Old-fashioned and fancy, she might as well say .

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While reading, [ Name ] catched something rather . . Interesting, in her opinion .

Malleus Draconia . . Ah ? ❞ [ Name ] widened her eyes, her friend from the dream-land had exactly the same name and the same appearance in the description of the student in ' Night Raven College ', her eyebrows furrowed .

❝ Lisa ? ❞ [ Name ] called for the Librarian as Lisa looked at her, ❝ . . Could I sleep for a little while ? ❞ The Qilin asked as Lisa smiled, ❝ Sure, I don't see why not . ❞

Once again, the Qilin muttered a ' thank you ' before sitting down on a chair, it was as if her body had been preparing for sleep as she immediately slept .

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[ NAME ]'S EYES SHOT WIDE OPEN AS SHE GASPED, sighing as she looked at her surroundings .

It was all white and hollow, she looked around, ❝ He's usually here whenever I sleep at this time . . ❞

Oh ? Who is this ' he ' you are speaking about ?

[ Name ] yelped in surprise as the voice chuckled behind her chuckled, ❝ My sincere apologies, [ Nickname ] . ❞

She calmed down before sighing, ❝ Malleus, good━ you're here . . ❞

Malleus smiled as he crossed his arms, ❝ I could tell that something is bothering you in some way . . Well, what is it, [ Nickname ] ? ❞

[ Name ] took a deep breath, ❝ I know this may sound weird but, do you happen to perhaps study at Night Raven College in Twisted Wonderland ? ❞

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