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contains sensitive content,
reader discretion is

└── °∘❉∘° ──┘

since nrc, rsa, nbc is a college,
i will be aging up all characters.
first years will be 18,
second years will be 19 and
third years will be 20.. and leona
will still be the same while
fellow is going be aged down
to around leona's age.
(gonna add fellow and gidel
to be transfer students prob)

of course, some genshin
characters and ocs will be
added as either background
characters or will be relevant to
the plot (due to the reader being
related to ganyu and the others,
also because i will be adding an
rsa and other school plot here :3)
 all the while one female oc of my
friends will be added along with
my rsa ocs... which will be added
if it is revealed that rsa will not
have it's own chapter or smth

please do NOT judge me for my
writing style. positive criticism
such as giving tips, advices on
how to write better will be
recieved, but if you're just here to
reduce my self-confidence in my
ability of writing and such then
i will send some of my friends
to track your ip address.
(/j, i'll probably just beat
the shit outta you or cry)

spelling and grammar mistakes
will appear, if you spot one,
PLEASE. inform me immediately
so that i can fix that, thank you.

sexual jokes will be allowed,
but if i find them going further
than expected and make me
uncomfortable, i will inform
the said user and try to tone
down the jokes.

this story is made out of pure
fiction and my imagination,
do not condone any of the
behaviours shown and acted
upon in this story. never
romanticize yandere/obsessed
actions, and PLEASE contact the
authorities or anyone you are
comfortable with if anyone shows
these doings towards YOU or
any other.

i used otome ayui and shell_bb
for the english translations,
twisted wonderland does
not belong to me nor does the
original plot. the only things i
do own here are the rsa plot i
made, rsa ocs, and rollo, gidel
and fellow being added to the
canon plot. anything else belongs
to disney and yana toboso.

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there will be
mentions of..

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trauma / trauma dump.

yandere tendencies.





toxic and possessive behaivour.


lewd thoughts.

(death) threats.

anything else under the category of yandere
and etc.

╔⏤╝  ごめんなさい。╚⏤╗

if you identify yourself to be
uncomfortable with any that
have been said, please leave.


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spotify playlist..


└── •✧• ──┘


authors note !

yall better read this in
dark mode you pricks 😠

© -squishyskies-



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