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'' let's dance to this
twisted rhythm, it's
cute when you look
down all stubbornly. ,,


mondstadt, knf library




AS THE SUN SHINED AND SEEPED THROUGH the fragile glass of the headquarters of the knights of favonius, an adepti sighed as she sat upon a wooden chair.

"[name], darling, are you alright?" the librarian dipped into her space as she asked her a question, making the (hair color) haired girl look over to the side.

there stood lisa minci, her shoulder length, honey brown hair that was tied to the near ends of her hair with a purple rose, gently swaying with every movement she took as it shined through the rays of the morning light,

green eyes that looked into [name]'s (eye color)ed ones with such concern as her gloved hands met her shoulder.

fair skin soft skin that would be smooth to the touch, very pudgy if someone had ever dared to squish her flesh.

[name] could only let out the softest of mumbles as she nodded her head, her hands holding a book that she had indulged in earlier, a plate of (prefered food) and a cup of (prefered drink) {as per given by lady furina}.

"i'm still at the first few bits where some cookie finds this.. white lily cookie? she reminds me of someone." [name] hummed as lisa leaned against the wooden chair she sat upon, looking at the book.

"ah, cookie run kingdom. it's a pretty popular book now that it's trending amongst the children of mondstadt." lisa let out a soft chuckle, the sides of her lips curled upwards.

"speaking of children.. where's klee and qiqi-" [name] couldn't be bothered to continue her sentence the moment she heard the yells of mondstadt citizens.. and then the sounds of bombs.

"the usual." the honey brown hair colored librarian said casually with a shrug of her shoulders, getting a cup of tea before sitting next to the adepti.

[name] let out a chuckle, lisa following as the shouts of jean, albedo and ganyu were heard outside. they paused the moment they heard the library doors open.

the travelers, lumine and aether, and their companion, paimon. the two blonde twins both waved towards the pair at the same time while paimon flashed a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03 ⏰

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