Crunchy Chip Pov

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Its winter time in the Dark Cacao Kingdom and there is a cookie called "Crunchy Chip Cookie".

This cookie is part of the cream wolfs that typically live in the Dark Cacao Kingdom but works for the kingdom as a worrier.He is one of the king's personal bodyguards which only goes with the king when he is invited or goes to other kingdoms.He doesn't mind serving the king like an other guard and is also dedicated to it.

Then again when he is not doing his guardedly duties he is hanging out with his cream wolfs which he loves and are very dear to him. Crunchy Chip is also very prideful and takes compliments and praise very seriously.

Now this takes place in the Dark Cacao Kingdom where our cookie's life change.

"Sir,we have received a letter from the Vanilla Kingdom." "Bring it forward to me", replied the king also know as Dark Cacao Cookie.As Cacao opens the letter it says-
"Dear Dark Cacao Cookie,

It is my pleasure to invite you and the other 2 kingdoms Hollyberry and Golden Cheese Kingdom to the annual meeting of the kingdoms here at the Pure Vanilla Kingdom.It'll be an honor and a great way to celebrate the creation of the kingdoms.Mind you there will rooms for you here and are welcome any person you wish to invite.Plus you are welcome to bring any guard of your choice to bring on your staying here if you wish to come.

Sincerely Yours,Pure Vanilla Cookie."

As the king read the letter the more he contemplated on going or not.If he went who will take care of the kingdom?If he didn't would it show a bad impression?The more he weighed the pros and cons the more thought he put into it.

Finally, he decided...

He will be going under the expectation that son take his place for the while they will be staying there until he comes back.But also decided to take some cookies with him incase and situation were to occur.

At last he called Crunchy Chip Cookie into his work setting.

"You called for me sire?" Asked Crunchy Chip.
"Yes, you'll be attending me to go to the Vanilla Kingdom for the Celebration of Kingdoms as a guard for me as you are one of my powerful worriers,if you wish not to go it is your choice if so speak up now" Replied Dark Cacao.
The said cookie thought for a second.
"I do not mind going with you my king but when shall we leave for this said event?" ,said Crunchy Chip Cookie.
"We shall leave early dawn tomorrow so get your personal items for the trip ready and we should arrive at noon."
Crunchy Chip nodded and bowed before leaving.As he left the study he was left in his thoughts about it.'I wonder if anything unexpected will happen?'he thought as he left to go home for the day.

As he arrived home he was meet with his three cream wolfs which be loved to death.As he greeted them he refilled there food bowls and water.Lastly he started to pack items for the trip.As soon he finished he went off to go eat and went to bed.

As the cookie was laying on the bed he started to think of what would happen at the celebration.Would he get the chance to go off on his own and celebrate?Mmm,maybe not but you'll never know.As sleep start to creep on him he wonder if there would be something else that'll be unexpected.

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