Wildberry Cookie Pov

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This goes into the Hollyberry kingdom where the queen gets the letter and with no hesitation she already has arrangements to attend.

She calls her most trusty and stubborn guard(in her words) in her room.
"You asked for my presence your majesty?"
Said the Wildberry Cookie

Wildberry was a very dedicated cookie to the queen and kingdom. He is very formal and uptight if you say, but really?He is very professional and at home he kinda still acts the same but a little loose.Sometimes if have know him long enough he can or will make some small talk and could get to know him better but that is rare in itself.In other words he is very mature.

The queen on the other hand is the opposite.She is very talkative,carefree and very active.She would drink juice on the job and Wildberry would sometimes have to intervene to get her to start doing her duties but she would say things along the lines of ,"layoff"or "don't be so uptight have have some fun". But of course he doesn't allow it.

Hollyberry started to speak.
"There will be a celebration at the Vanilla kingdom so I made arrangements to attend and you shall come me to celebrate!"
Wildberry thought for a second.
But made his mind quickly.
"Of course I shall go with you may I ask when we take our leave?"said Wildberry.
"The next day at dawn so you can have the day off to prepare."The queen shot back almost instantly.As if she were excited to attend to event and couldn't wait.
Wildberry tried insisting that he'll get ready later and should help. But any efforts were shot down,the queen by her saying he should go and prepare since he kinda needed it in her words.

So he decided it was not worth the back and forth of the argument and so he left for home.He didn't really have anything to do at home so he just packed things he would need and some backup items incase something were to happen.

He set his gauntlet aside and sat on his bed going over what will be happening tomorrow.Soon as he mentally confirmed it he decided to go to his garden.The garden is full of fruits,vegetables,and some flowers plus a water fountain with two bench's at each side.Wildberry walked around the garden and admired the beauty of the vegetation then finally sat down letting his mind be free.

After an hour he went back inside and made himself some food and to bed.As he made his way to the bed his thoughts began to wonder.'Will there be any other cookie at the meeting or with the ancients? Will there be misfortunes?' The more he thought the more sleep started to move away.

At last the cookie stopped his internal rambling and reviewed and was supposed to be scheduled for the next day and finally the sleep that had been seem lost came.

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