Playlist? OwO

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I made a playlist. It was inspired by a fanfic I was reading. So basically I called this playlist "For when the aph nations are having an existential crisis" on Spotify (which was an underlying theme in the fic). And you can bet that I put this together while at the threshold of a mental breakdown. Some people rant-post, but me? I make existential crisis playlists :D

Also I've mentioned that I'm trying to put together playlists for the individual APH Nations so if you have any recommendations feel free to share! (I already saw some good ones on my og post!) Just comment song name + artist and what character you want it to go with!

Here's the link, and of course I'll add more songs in the future:  

(Not sure if the link works...

But if you wanna look for it on Spotify my account name is Piña Colada and the title of the playlist is "For when the aph nations have an existential crisis")

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