Hot take

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After giving this more thought I said "hell, why not put this out there". So here it is again but with a little more detail.

Hot take, probably the hottest take I've had on the existence of the nations:

What if other supernatural beings (or even paranormal beings) were scared of the nations in a similar way we are scared if spiders. In other words, despite maybe being bigger or meaner or (in our eyes) more terrifying, these other supernatural beings and entities are creeped out by the nations and would rather keep their distance from them.

For some reason, the 'thing' under the bed wouldn't dare lay any of their very (terrifyingly) long fingers on any of the nations, even if their feet are hanging off the bed by a lot. The thing at the end of the road, staring unblinking at them in their car, refuses to get closer. And in fact, if they drive toward it, it backs away like a scared animal. But oh God it is definitely NOT a normal animal. The 'creature' in the woods that normally stalks campers doesn't bother their campsite, it stays as far away as it can from them.

I just think it'd be very interesting and maybe even hilarious if the nations were scarier than the other cryptids and supernatural beings. At least it'd make for an interesting fanfic.

(And- side note- maybe, just maybe, the reason England has fairies as friends is because the mischievous little bastards figured being his friend would serve them better than being his foe. I find it odd that fairies, who are known for stealing children and being cruel to humans, would be so kind to England. I just don't buy it.)

Oneshots, Headcanons, and Sh*tposts: The Sequel (a Hetalia fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now