Chapter 1

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Ashlyn's POV

I sit on the bench next to the newspaper stand, reading one of the magazines that they sell.  So far, there's nothing of much importance.  Susan is standing at the actual stand, talking to one of her many admirers.  I had guessed that she had a lot of them, but I could never have imagined that she would treat them so rudely.  I even heard her tell this one that her name was Phyllis.

"Susan!" Lucy runs past me, with Natalie hard on her heels.  They skid to a halt in front of us, with Susan's poor admirer looking very confused as to why this girl was calling 'Phyllis' Susan.

"Susan, Ashlyn, come quick!" Lucy exclaims.  "Follow us!"  I put the newspaper down on the stand and run after them.  At first I thought that they found another entrance into Narnia, but the looks on their faces show that they're scared.

We follow the two girl into the train station.  There's a crowd of students at the bottom of the stairs, with yells and cheers erupting from it.  I push my way through the mass and see what everyone is looking at: a fight.

Five boys in school uniforms are wrestling.  Four of the boys I don't recognize, but when I see the last, my heart jumps into my throat.

"Peter!" I scream.  He looks up and scans the crowd.  His eyes find me, but before he can say anything, one of the boys throws him backwards.  I lunge forward to help, but two pairs of hands grab me: Natalie and Lucy.

"I have to help!" I protest.

"He got himself into this," Susan says.  "He needs to get himself out of it."

A figure runs past us and jumps into the fight, punching the guy that's hitting Peter.

"Edmund!" Natalie shouts.

Together, the two boys face the other four.  Their movements become sharper, cleaner.  They've fought alongside ― and against ― each other so many times that each knows what the other will do.  The tide of the fight seems to be turning when two subway guards come by, blowing their whistles.  Edmund stops, but Peter doesn't.  The boy he's fighting wrestles him to the floor, but the guard pulls him off.  He shoves the boy away and roughly pulls Peter up.

"Act your age!" he barks.  The crowd disperses, and we rush to the two boys.  The other four have disappeared.  I stand in front of Peter, and he immediately turns to walk away.  I grab his hand and pull him back.

"Peter," I say.  He ignores me.  "Peter, look at me."  He raises his eyes to the level of mine.

"Why do you keep doing this?" I ask.  "Picking fights?"

"In general, or this one in particular?" he snaps.

"Let's start with this one," I sigh.

"He bumped me," he says.

"So you hit him?" Susan exclaims.

"No.  After he bumped me, they tried to make me apologize."

"Peter, you can't keep picking fights like this," I say.  "Please, I'm worried about you."

"Stop treating me like a kid!" he snaps.

"Um, we are kids," Edmund points out.  Natalie slaps his arm lightly.

"Well, I wasn't always!" Peter exclaims.

"It's been a year, Peter," Susan says.  "When will you accept the fact that we're here and not there?"

"All I want is to be there," Peters says quietly, but I don't think Susan hears him.  I sigh and give Peter his suitcase, which was laying on its side next to the wall.  I pick up my suitcase in the hand that isn't holding Peter's and walk over to the bench that our train will stop in front of.  We put our stuff down, and before Peter can sit, I lead him away from the group.

"Peter, please stop this attitude," I sigh.  "I don't know what else to do.  I've expressed that I'm worried about you, but you won't stop fighting."

"I can take care of myself," he grumbles, pulling his hand out of mine and going to sit with the others.  I shake my head.  It breaks my heart to see Peter like this, and then when I try to help, he just pushes me away.  I go to sit with the others, but I make a point to be on the other side of the bench, away from Peter.

"Ow!" Peter exclaims.  We all look at him.  "Edmund, you pinched me."

"I did not!" Edmund objects.

"Ouch!" Lucy says.  "Something pulled my hair."  I stand up, as does everyone else.

"Quick, everyone hold hands," Susan commands.

"I'm not holding his hand!" Edmund protests, looking at Peter.

"Just do it!" Susan says.  I grab onto Natalie's hand.

A wind picks up, and a train goes by.  The wind gets stronger until it begins to pull off parts of the wall.  A hole opens up in the direction of the front of the train, and a light shines.  It gets brighter and brighter after every moment.  Eventually, the whole station is gone, and we are standing in a cave that opens to a beautiful beach.  I smile.

"Narnia," I say.


A/N: Seeing as I got 100 reads on the last book, here is the first chapter of the sequel! Enjoy!

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