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Life Goals List

Start a Charity for black people with mental health issues.

Oral sex is something I highly recommend for curbing any sexual frustrations. I was in Dr. Reese's office on a high and it was definitely from my boyfriend's extraordinarily talented tongue.

"Serenity!" Dr. Reese said and I gave her my full attention.

"Yes, sorry," I mumbled.

"I am looking over your new Life Goals list and I saw the start a charity on the bottom." She said and I nodded.

"Oh, yeah. A lot of black people can't afford therapy, have no resources, information, or insurance to get the necessary help for their mental issues or just to have a safe space to talk to someone." I explained and she nodded.

"Why is it on the bottom of your list?" She asked.

"I never really sat down to see how I can seriously make it happen," I admitted.

"What are some of your thoughts?" She asked.

"First, I want to create a black therapist directory. I want it to be specific. So black therapists whose specialties in children's therapy, marriage counseling, trauma, family therapy, or whatever else. Then, gather what insurance they take or their prices. Afterward set up some kind of funding for black people and then pay for their therapy based on their needs." I said and Dr. Reese smiled

"I think that's a great idea." She said and I rubbed my hands over my lap.

"Really? It's just a lot of work and I thought it would be overwhelming trying to contact all those therapists." I admitted.

"Give me one moment." Dr. Reese said and walked over to her desk. She looked through her drawers and files.

"There it is." She said and handed me the paper in her hand.

"That is a list of some of the black therapists in Maryland, D.C, New York, Chicago, and Los Angeles." She said and I looked at the list in awe.

"How did you get this?" I asked.

"I was on the hunt for the best services for my mom and then I kind of got obsessed. I keep it for clients and certain occasions when someone comes in and it's beyond my specialty." She explained.

"It just has names, phone numbers, emails, and specialties," I spoke.

"Yes, it's not organized how you said you would do it however you can most definitely take it." She pointed out.

"Dr. Reese... Are you saying I could really start this charity!" I said and she nodded.

"I think you could, and I would definitely love to be a part of it." She said and I smiled.

"Thank you, you have really been such a huge part of my journey," I responded.

"You have any ideas for the name?" She asked.

"I thought about using my name since my parents named me to bring peace to their crumbling marriage however other than that I haven't gotten far."

"You want your name to be more than that." She stated.

"Yes, I mean their purpose behind it and everything makes my name seem ironic because they left us." I continued.

"You can give your name a new purpose and fulfillment." She continued.

"A Piece of Serenity..." I boasted.

"I like it, it is catchy and has a loving ring to it." Dr. Reese said and I grinned.

"You have to look into trademarks, funding, and fundraiser ideas." Dr. Reese listed.

Dr. Reese stopped listing things and looked at me. "How about you get Kasen to help you? It will give you a reason to go back home and build something with your brother."

"I think that's a great idea! Plus, I do miss Kasen even though... I definitely enough living on my own..." I said and bit my lip.

"That face has me thinking that you and Carter have been enjoying each other." She said with a smirk.

"Yes, I took your advice and talked to my friends about their kinks. Grace told me she was dominant in the bedroom which I found interesting."

"Why did you find that interesting?" She asked and leaned back in her chair.

"It's not something I would have ever expected. It made me feel closer to her because she definitely didn't have to tell me. Intimacy is such a touchy subject." I sighed.

"Much like charity, intimacy is a giving experience, and everyone supports a different kind of 'charity'. You felt closer to Grace. What about Carter?" Dr. Reese said and I bit my lip.

"He didn't really tell me however I felt good letting it be known. He did share him into roleplay and anything else I would have to find out later" I said.

Dr. Reese grinned "Something to look forward to..."

The alarm went off and made me realize our time ran out on that note.

"I'll be emailing you any information I think would be useful for the charity starting process." Dr. Reese said and I smiled.

"That would be great!" I said and we parted ways.


I arrived at my home and ran inside to look up 'How to Start A Charity.'

When I went inside, Carter was passed out on the couch in his scrubs. I walked over and straddled him.

"I am not that sleep." He groaned and it startled me because he looked like he was in a deep sleep.

"Why don't you get in my soft bed?" I asked and he put his hands on my hips.

"I just got in and the couch was much closer." He said and rubbed my lower back.

"Sorry babe, I have some research to do," I said and kissed him before leaving his intoxicating touch.

"Research?" He questioned and rubbed his eyes.

"I am going to start a charity for black people to get the mental health resources and services they deserve," I said and pulled out my laptop.

How to Start a Charity

1. Start by developing your vision and mission.

2. Naming the Charity

3. Write a plan.

4. Register as a 501 c3

5. Start a Website.

6. Fundraising

7. Establish an Advisory Board

8. Get Rolling.

"You really can look up anything on the internet," Carter said while peering into my laptop.

"I know it took me two seconds to look this up," I said shocked.

"So, you have a clear mission and a name. What's the name?" He asked.

"A Piece of Serenity," I said and he grinned.

"I love it. I would love a piece of serenity." He said and kissed my neck.

"Carter... I have to write a plan." I moaned and he moved my laptop off my lap.

"You can write it later. I am trying to be charitable to my girlfriend." He said and I giggled.

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