Chapter 7

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I woke up to the sound of my phone ringing in my bag. I groaned as I got out of bed to go get it, being careful not to wake up Billy. I finally found my phone and saw Harry's name on the screen. I hesitated for a moment before answering it.

"Harry?" My voice came out really rough as I spoke.

"Georgia where are you?" He sounded really worried.

"I'm... At a friends. Where did you go last night?"

"Who's? Are you okay? Why did you just run off like that?"

"I'm fine Harry, I promise. Where are you now?"

"I need to know you're okay Georgia, how do I know you're safe?!"

"HARRY. I'm fine, please believe me okay? I'm old enough to look after myself anyways... Where are you?" I started to get slightly pissed off as he kept treating me like a kid.

"I'm at home... I came home after I went for a walk. Come over please?"

"Right now?" I really didn't want to leave Billy but I didn't want to disappoint Harry either.

"That would be good."

"Erm I can't right now... Maybe later though?"

"Why not? What are you doing?" He started to sound doubtful.

"I have to go Harry, I'll call you later." I sighed as I hung up.

I looked over to the bed where Billy was to find him staring at me.

"Afternoon Billy." I smiled at him.

"Hey." He smiled back. "Wait afternoon? What time is it?"

"It is... Exactly 1:30." I said, looking at my phone.

"No way did I sleep that long." He buried his face in the pillow. "Who was on the phone?"

"Oh it was just Harry." I looked at the floor.

"What time you gotta be back by?" He asked.

"I'm in no rush to be entirely honest." I sighed.

"Well you're welcome to stay as long as you like." He got up and stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. Butterflies started to erupt in my stomach. I could get used to this feeling, I thought to myself.

"Wanna go out for brunch, or should we stay in? We could make a day out of today if you're up for it." He nuzzled his head on my shoulder.

"I don't mind." Truth is, I would love to spend the whole day with him.

"Let's do it then. We could have pancakes for breakfast?" I felt sick at the mention of food to be honest.

"I'm not too hungry." I replied.

"Yes you are, it's nearly two in the afternoon. Here we'll make them together."

"Okay..." I agreed anyways. "Have you dried my clothes?"

"Oh shoot sorry, I was so tired earlier I forgot! They must be really damp now, you can try and find something of mine?"

"Sure, this should be fun. Is it okay if I shower too?"

"Yeah of course."

After about ten minutes, we found some clothes that I could wear. Some skinny ripped black jeans and a white top. The jeans were a little loose at the waist but that was sorted with a belt, and the top had shrunk anyways so it fit me perfectly.

"You hop into the shower first, and I'll go next." Billy said as he handed me the clothes.

After a half hour, I was showered, my hair was dried and I was fully dressed. I walked into the kitchen to find that Billy had prepared breakfast already.

"Thought I'd save you the effort." He winked at me. "I'm gonna jump in the shower, won't be more than ten minutes. You can eat now if you want or wait up, it's up to you." He said before disappearing into the shower.

I decided to wait for him, so I sat at the table just checking social media. I noticed that Billy had tweeted a picture of himself from my phone. It was pretty cute, I'm not gonna lie.

I checked my messages and only just saw that Liam and the boys had left me multiple messages asking where I was and if I was okay. I decided to just reply to Liam.

Hey Liam, sorry for the late reply, I only just saw this... I'm okay, I promise, I just needed to clear my head... I'll be back tonight, please don't be mad and try to understand that I'm still trying to sort my life out I guess. I love you Li, see you later x

I pressed send and looked up to see Billy standing there, drying his hair with a towel. He was wearing a pair of skinny jeans and a purple checked shirt with a white top underneath. He looked at me for a moment before motioning for me to stand in front of him. I did what he wanted, and he unbuttonef his shirt. I stood completely confused for a while. He took his shirt off and reached for my waist. I froze in both nervousness and awe as his hands brushed against my hips whilst he tied the shirt around my waist.

"Perfect." He whispered, his face close enough for me to feel his warmth. He kept eye contact for a while and for a second I thought he was going to kiss me, but he didn't. I'll admit, I was slightly dissapointed.

"Let's eat!" He sat down after giving me my plate of pancakes.

We sat in a comfortable silence as he ate his food and I kind of played around with mine and ate a few bites.

"What's the matter? Do you not like it?" He asked.

"No its delicious! I'm just not that hungry, I don't usually eat breakfast." I forced a smile.

"I'm not stupid Georgia." He sighed. "I'm not gonna make you eat it, or lecture you or anything."

"Thank you." I whispered.

After we cleaned up the kitchen, we kinds just tidied around a bit.

"So, where do you wanna go?" He asked me.

"Anywhere really." I shrugged. To be honest, I didn't mind as long as I was with him.

"How about... We go meet a few friends of mine?" He said as he pulled on another shirt.

"Sounds like a plan."


Sorry it was kinda crap, but I thought there were some cute moments in it. Next chapter will be better, I promise. Kinda wrote this throughout the night as I've pulled another all nighter so I just kinda thought I'd update x

20 votes till next update... I'm aware that I've lost readers because I haven't updated much, please be patient x

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2015 ⏰

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