Chapter 26

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Marcel shuts the door of the prince's bedroom.

"Thank you Marcel." Jared says.

"Even though we're all aware about his difficult behavior, you still went out of your way to help him." Charlotte adds.

"Well I'm not the type of person who is too cruel to leave him in the forest to die." Marcel responds.

Marcel stares again at the door, then looks at the servants.

"Have you ever not bothered leaving at all?" He asked them.

"Well... There were times when we did consider." Scarlett mentioned.

"But we can't risk doing so because it's not just him who will be affected. All of us will." Ricardo adds.

"All of us need to work together in order to break the curse." said Jared.

Marcel then proceeds to look at Elliot.

"You wrote the book. Can't you tell me how to break it? Maybe I can help." Marcel offered.

"I'm sorry Marcel, but the better chances of us breaking the spell, is you to not have any knowledge about it." Elliot said.

"But how could you say that?" Marcel asked him.

"Marcel, this is a situation that is evidently beyond our control. I think the best course of action that we could do right now is to go back to our duties." Charlotte mentions as she stares at the servants.

The servants then immediately go back to their stations.

Charlotte looks back again at Marcel.

"Marcel, I'm gonna have to let the prince be your responsibility."

"But Charlotte-"

"Remember, technically you still work under me so you have to do as I say." She says assertively.

Marcel sighs before responding to her.


"At least until he's better. Will that be okay?"

"Yes Charlotte. That will be definitely okay."

"That's good to hear." She responds.

Everyone is back on their respective duties.

Berwin the frog is sleeping on the chair that is at the corner of the castle.

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