Part 6:Fear(⚠️sex/sexual abuse and mention of throwing up⚠️)

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A couple weeks after Josh and Max got together.

„Hey wanna come over later?" Josh asked his girlfriend holding her waist.


„See you at 8?"


When max arrived the house was dark and she began wondering if Josh was even home. But to her surprise he opened the door and lead her into the house.

„My mom isn't home so we can do anything we want" he assured his girlfriend

„Okay cool so can we watch a movie?"

„Sure but we can do anything we want"

„And I would like to watch a movie"



They turned on a movie sat on the couch and began watching it.

Not that long later Max had to use the bathroom

„Hey im gonna go to the restroom okay?"

„Okay I'll pause the movie"


When she got back from the bathroom Josh was shirtless

„Why aren't you wearing a shirt" Max asked slowly walking towards him

„Because we can do anything we want my moms not here"

Max started to get scared

„You already said that Josh but why is your shirt off put it back on" she said standing in front of him

„No „ he said He pulled Her on top of him

„Stop Josh" Max Said

But he didn't listen instead he smashed his lips against hers and his hand started to move to the button of her Jean shorts

"STOP JOSH I mEAN IT" max yelled gasping for air

Instead Josh continued trying to unbutton her jeans

" Josh stop please" she said crying

She was pale in the face


She kept moving trying to get off of him but he wouldn't let her instead he began trying to take off her shirt

"PLEASE STOP" she said horesly

When he got the shirt off and began fiddling with her bra Her fight or flight response kicked in.

She punched him square in the nose grabbed her shirt and ran crying her eyes out and sick to her stomach.

When she got home she threw up a lot.

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