Part 12: Locker.(⚠️homophobic Slurs⚠️)

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As Max walked into school for the first time in months she felt everyone staring at her. Josh had no doubt twisted the story of what happened. Everyone gets judged for something too fat too skinny too tall too short. If your Gay your a fag if you have sex your a slut if you don't have sex your a prune. If you make mistakes your going to hell, if your not white your skin colors "wrong" if you hate how you look your suicidal and "emo" if you like how you look your a narcissist who's obsessed with themself. If your not popular your a nerd if you are popular everyone hates you. If you like games like D&D then your a satinist if you like basketball your a stereotypical jock, if your still trying to figure out your shit your a basket case,  if your a female your weak, if your not skinny your fat, but if everyone gets judged for something then what is the right way to be? A white blond blue eyed man who sleeps around with everyone is on the basketball team and is dating a cheerleader he's 100% cheating on. At least In this society it is. But if everyone gets judged why don't we all just say fuck it and be ourselves. Life would be so much better. She stood at her locker with her hood up, and bangs her head onto the locker 4 times, light ginger hair a mess, sweats, no bra, backpack hanging of one shoulder.
"Max?" Max looked over her shoulder to see Eleven with a quivering lip.
"El- I mean Jane? What's wrong?" She looks at Eleven as El points a shaky finger to her locker. The locker is covered in graffiti and pigs blood saying things like, FAG and Dyke and fat ass. Max groans and slams her locker causing a big boom and somehow manages to get her sweater sleeve stuck into her locker.
"Shit!" She tugged on her sweatshirt sleeve unable to pull it out of her locker as a Buch of boys walk by her pretending to choke on air and moan as if suggesting Max was a slut who had been "banged" by Josh.
"Oh fuck off" she said flipping them 'the bird'. Eleven stood next to her crying into her hands. A mix of snot and tears streaming down her face. Max rips her sleeve out of her locker not caring about the tare. She pushes the crowd out of the way trying to get to Elevens locker.
"There's nothing here to see go." She says to the crowd
She had brought Eleven into the mess exactly what she had wanted to avoid.

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