Part 17: Forever(⚠️suicide⚠️)

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The following weeks were hard for Will, really hard.  He blamed himself for mikes death. He sat in his hospital bed hooked up to machines. He stared at the wall not wanting to watch the news. He already knew what it say's, „Michael Wheeler, senior at Hawkins high and, Gay teen commits suicide at 18 years old after being harassed." He turned the tv all the way down.  Just him the scilence and a spot on the wall he had been staring at for 3 days. Max and his family visited him daily but always left before long. And even then he just stared at the wall. Nancy had been over a couple times too just to tell Will it wasn't his fault, but mikes parents blamed him for it.
Max sat in her bed Eleven on her side, Max slowly played with Elevens hair.
„El, do you think will will be okay?"
She said twisting a strand of pink hair in two fingers.
„Yea of course he will why wouldn't he be?" she replied.
Max looked at her shoes. Els words repeated in her head. why wouldn't he be? Except El doesn't know anything about him she doesn't even know that what happened to him and mike are related. Eleven didn't get it, she didn't get what was going on with Max or Mike or Will and she wouldn't ever. But yet, Max couldn't stop herself from loving her. When she thought about El no matter what Eleven had done, she felt butterflies. Her hands got clammy, and her heart thumped loudly in her chest, sometimes she felt like it was going to explode out of her chest. But there was also a warmth that being around El brought. She Made everyone in any room she entered happy. Max smiled just thinking about Eleven.

"What?" El asked suddenly Awaking Max from her daydreams.

"Huh?" Max questioned

"Why are you smiling so much?" Eleven chuckled making max smile harder

Max looked down "you'll think it's stupid" she said.

"Try me" Eleven replied slightly punching Max in the arm.

"I was just thinking about how happy you make me I'm sorry is that weird?" Max admitted awkwardly.

El didn't think twice before kissing Max, Maxes lips were so soft, she tasted like cupcakes, vanilla cupcakes. And then eleven tasted something salty, she opened her eyes to see that max was crying.

"whats wrong" she asked

Max wiped a tear from her eye "I hated myself for liking you because I thought that you would never like me back."

Eleven held Max as she sobbed into her shoulder she didn't understand why max was crying but she held her anyway. Eventually Max layed down and eleven layed down with her. And they just layed there like that,Elevens arm under max until finally Max spoke,

"Promise me this is forever?" she asked El

El held max tightly "I promise"

Forever-Elmax Where stories live. Discover now