Chapter 2 - Abroad She Goes

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Mia's POV

I land in Paris and a black BMW is waiting for me. This is the last of the overprotection I am giving to my family. I promised them that I would take the family jet and let a car take me to my internship accommodations and after that I am a normal young adult on a summer abroad. We pull up to the hotel apartments I'll be staying in for June, July, and August and I go to the front desk to check into my room. As soon as I get to my room, I shower and get in bed excited for orientation in the morning.

I get up and get ready for orientation. I decide to keep it super casual since I'll be meeting everyone for the first time and don't want to be extra. I'm going to stick to my normal casual college style. I throw on some cute jeans a black tube top and the vintage M&M race car jacket i stole from my brother hunter. (Outfit is below).  I go to the lobby to meet up with everyone in the internship group. I get a few stares from the girls, which I'm used too, but ignore them and take a seat.

A girl named Jimena sits next to me and introduces herself. Immediately I know she's from Mexico due to her accent. I tell her that I am also of Mexican decent and we hit it off right away talking about how excited we are for the summer. It's funny because I probably seem like a normal anxious girl ready to explore Paris when in reality I'm a cutthroat assassin who is a millionaire and has traveled the world more times than I can count. Anyway the coordinators take us into the business center to go through our orientation which includes placements, the local culture, emergency information and all that boring stuff. We are then put into groups to do a scavenger hunt and explore the city. Jimena and I are teamed up with a girl named Alexa from Canada. We all instantly clicked while doing the scavenger hunt. These girls are definitely going to be my squad this summer!

We all end the scavenger hunt in front of the Eiffel Tower. Everyone sits in the grass hanging out and getting to know each other. A bunch of us decided to go to a nightclub and celebrate our first night in the city. Me, Jimena, and Alexa all decide to go to dinner and discuss what we will be wearing. We ultimately decide on wearing black and keeping it classy. (See picture below) We all go back to our rooms and I decide to take a little nap since it's only 8pm. The nightclubs in Paris don't open until midnight, so I have plenty of time.

I finally wake up and get ready. I go for soft curls, a thin winged eyeliner with nude eyeshadow and lipstick, simple jewelry, a satin black dress, my Louis Vuitton stilettos, and my channel purse. I go down to the lobby at midnight and meet up with everyone. There is about 20 of us and we all split into little groups for the taxis. I order one for my girls and I and we head of to the club. Once we get there everyone is already in line waiting to get in. We get to the front of the line and these mother f*ckers won't let the group in. The thing about Paris is that they don't really like tourists especially in the night scene. I speak French like a local along with two other people in the group and we are able to get us in. I could have used my connections, but I'm normal this summer.

We get into the club and have a fun time. Drinking, dancing, making out with strangers. It was one of the best nights of my life. There is something about pretending to be a normal tourist that just hits different. I have a high tolerance for alcohol from my assassin training so I'm completely fine at the end of the night or should I say morning since it was 5am, anyway I call taxis for everyone and get us all back to the hotel. I walk my friends to their rooms and then head to mine and knock out. I slept until 1 in the afternoon on Sunday, then I got up and went to the mall with my friends. We shopped and laughed about the fun we had at the club. We had only known each other a day and a half and were already taking like best friends. It is funny to be normal, my assassin/mafia side trusts no one and lets no one in my circle, but this summer is about letting go and saying my final goodbye to a normal life.

 It is funny to be normal, my assassin/mafia side trusts no one and lets no one in my circle, but this summer is about letting go and saying my final goodbye to a normal life

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* Left - Jimena / Middle - Mia / Right - Alexa

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* Left - Jimena / Middle - Mia / Right - Alexa

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