Chapter 6 - Weekend 2 (Sightseeing)

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Mia's POV

The next week flew by quickly. It pretty much consisted of me going to Lunch with D and then going to dinner with my girls and sometimes the boys would tag along.

It's Friday night and we all decided to just go out to a KBBQ spot and get drunk off Sake and eat our hearts out. The group tonight is me, Jimena, Alexa, D, Louis, Andres, Romeo, Gabe, Layla, and one of Layla's friends names Audrey. We are seated at a huge table with two grills and begin ordering Sake and all sorts of meats. I had the best time drinking and laughing with my friends. It's so nice to live a carefree life and not always having to look over your shoulder, even though I was still doing it and was hyper aware of my surroundings. We end the night with our 8th shot and go home to rest before sightseeing.

Bad Bitches Only

Hey! Meet in the lobby at 10am! I got our tickets for the Louvre at 11am.

I'll meet y'all out front at 11am!

Ok ok! Hope y'all are ready to take lots of pics for me ;)

Got it! I just texted Louis to meet us and he's bringing Andres ;)

I nominate D! And omg of course he is XD

We meet D in front of the Louvre at 11am and head inside. Alexa makes us stop at Starbucks as soon as we are in because she can't do art without coffee. Andres puts an arm around me as we get in line, "Quieres algo?" I kiss his cheek, "Si, un café helado de vainilla, por fa." As we get to the register he orders our drinks and pays. When we walk to pick up our drinks D looks at us, " Où puis-je trouver un homme pour commander et payer pour moi?" I laugh, "pas dans le club c'est certain," remembering last weekend when him and Alexa almost had a threesome with a certain bisexual man. (Do you want something?) (Yes, and iced vanilla coffee please) (Where do I find a man to order and pay for me?) (Not in the club that's for sure.)

We finally walk into the exhibits and admire all of the work. D is super in art which makes sense since he is in the fashion industry. He basically gives us a personal tour of the museum. I am a huge art buff as well and have a huge collection of rare pieces at one of my "X warehouses." I pretend like I know nothing about art and enjoy the experience with my friends. Eventually, we make our way to the Mona Lisa and there is a huge line to go see her. We finally make our way to the front and all of my friends are amazed. Andres turns to me, "Me das las mismas vibraciones que ella. Tienes una sonrisa misteriosa y realmente no puedo leerte, pero eres una obra de arte y puede que nunca te entienda pero siempre te admiraré." I give him a sly smile and kiss him on the lips. He looks at me with a goofy smile and intertwines our hands as we spend the rest of our day looking at art like longtime lovers.
(You kind of give me the same vibes as her You have a mysterious smile and I can't really read you, but you are a work of art and I may never understand you but I will always admire you)

We end our day eating at the restaurant next to La Louvre called Le Café Marley. It's kind of hard to get reservations there but I hacked their system and put me and all my friends on the list. Since there was six of us we all coupled up and got the seating at the balcony facing La Louvre. Andres and I take our seats between D and Alexa, and Jimena and Louis.

"That was great and all but I'm so tired and hungry! What's good D?" Alexa says as she takes her sunglasses off to look at the menu. D looks at her, "Well I've never been here, it's a tourist trap, but I would say fish is always safe in France." We all order well deserved cocktails after all of our walking. Louis looks over to Andres, "So... where are we going out tonight?" Andres laughs, "I was thinking a chill bar where we can get drunk and dance a little." D looks up, "I know just the place!" We all nod in agreement deciding to let D take the reins. Everyone finishes eating and we head home to get ready for the night.

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