We Were Worried!

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Amy's Pov

"Its been five hours.. FIVE HOURS!! WHERE IN THE WORLD COULD THIS HEDGEHOG BE!? Does he have any idea how worried I am!? How worried mom and dad is!? Ooh! When I see him I'm gonna-"
My thoughts were cut off by the sound of the door knocking. I quickly scurry down the stairs straight to the door only to be met with two familiar faces, Cream and Sonic. "Cream! Sonic!!" I shout as I give them the most tightest hug I can manage right now. After I let go I let them in so they don't stand outside.
I watched as Cream sat down at the farthest end of the couch, she took out her phone and began to text someone, which I would know to be her mom.

Cream always checks in on her mom just to let her know she's safe. I watched as sonic left his shoes my the welcome mat and tied the end of this scarf like a ribbon behind his neck. I watched as he kicked back in the middle of the couch, his arms were behind is head and he was laying down, eyes closed.
"Well he sure looks tired" I thought as I closed the door and walked up to them
"And where was he?" I asked "Mr. Sonic was resting at the cliff in Emerald Hill Zone" Cream Started as she put her phone away and began kicking her legs back and forth while humming "he looked so peaceful Ms. Amy! You should've seen him" She Continued.

I then looked over to sonic "for five hours?" I questioned, he just rolled over and mumbled something inaudible.
I can tell he's tired, either that or he just wants to leave this conversation and sleep, which is probably the same answer. "Sonic, Answer Me" I Said, Now With my hands on my hips. "Yes! For five hours! I wasn't aware of the time" he said as he rolled back over, now looking at me. "So.. Your Telling Me.. while everyone was worried sick looking for you in many places we thought you could be, you were resting away PEACEFULLY without any thoughts on texting us or letting us know you might return late." I Said. "Yeah. Pretty Much Heh..." Sonic replied as he sat up "Cmon Ames.. How was I supposed to know i'd wake up after hours?" Sonic added. He has NO Idea how worried we were!!
We were worried the worst possible things that could've happened! We were worried, he Might've gotten lost, hurt, kidnapped, or even worse! That Dr. Robotnik villain on the news could've gotten him! And that would be awful! Especially if he fount out Sonic's ability!.

As I'm Ranting In My Head, I subconsciously lift my right arm in the air, an aura surrounds me and out of thin Air my piko piko hammer was summoned. With a swift swoop, I Swung My Hammer Directly At The Couch in the spot where sonic was in. Lucky for him, he quickly jumped up from his spot and skirted to a stop near the kitchen "Woah! Amy! The Couch!" He Exclaimed. "You oblivious hedgehog!" I swung again, he dodged "how could you NOT consider how worried we were!" I shouted as I swung again, and like before, he dodged "Chill out Amy!" He Shouted as he dodged another swing from my hammer "like I said before I wasn't aware on how long I'll be out!" He added while he was constantly dodging my attacks. I then growled and threw my hammer at him.

He seemed startled and didn't move right away. Right before my hammer reached him, he curled into a ball and zoomed upstairs. I Huffed As I Picked Up My Piko Piko Hammer. "Uhm.. M-Ms. Amy?" Cream Says As She Peaks From Behind The Now Split In Two Couch. "Oh my! Cream! I'm sorry did i hurt you?" I shouted as I rushed to her "no, I'm fine. Thank you" she started as he dusts off her dress. She walks from behind the couch and crosses her arms "dont you think you were a bit harsh on Mr. Sonic?" Cream added with a tone i only ever heard from her mother when she's angry "well its his fault for not being considerate" I grumbled as I crossed my arms and glanced in the direction of the stairs.

"Well, Mr. Sonic does have a point" she starts, I looked at her "if you were relaxing or having fun, you wouldn't be paying attention to the time, would you." She added narrowing her eyes at me. I stammered on words before sighing "okay, fine. your right" I huffed "yay!" She cheered "now, go apologize to Mr. Sonic!" She pushes me towards the stairs with a huge smile on her face.
I just go along and walk up the stairs to sonic's room, I knocked on the door waiting for a reply. "Sonic?" I Knocked Again Only To Not Get A Reply "Fine Then! Be that way" I huffed as I walked to my room. Cream followed behind me "guess Mr. Sonic was tired" Cream said "Either that or he's ignoring me!" I thought. We sat in my room and watched a movie, cream was the first to fall asleep, I stayed up texting Blaze.

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