Fox On A Mission

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Tails's POV

As soon as I left from the teams base, I flew to my workshop and activated the Tornado. I put it on auto pilot so it can fly above me as I use my two tails to propel off the ground. I opened the garage door of my lab as I took out my tracking device, Soon after the plane took off and I flew ahead following the last signal the device received. I hope that it's Sonic that it's tracking, this invention of mine, hasn't been active in so long.

After a while, about forty five minutes of flying, I've reached a familiar house. I flew down, swaying my tails after landing as I took a look at my tracking device before knocking on the door. Just to make sure that this is where the signal is coming from I double checked before clicking on a separate control connected to the device, landing my plane. I dusted off my lab coat and knocked on the door waiting for an answer.

When I didn't receive one, I waited a few more minutes before knocking again.
I know It's late and I could possibly be waking someone up, But this was where the signal was last coming from. If he's here, or was here, I need to know.


My attention was drawn back to the door as it creaked open a little "H-Hello..?" a small soft voice spoke as they yawned. I could tell they were a child "Hey, Sorry to have woken you up, but Is there an adult here I could talk to?" I asked the kid on the other side of the door. The door then closed with another 'Click' as movements could be heard from the other side. I waited a few minutes before the door was opened once more "Hello?" A familiar voice asks with a yawn. It was a pink hedgehog with bright green eyes, short quills, Inhibitor rings, red headband and Cozy pajamas. She seems familiar... She looks like Mr and Mrs Rose.. wait a minute "Amy? Amy Rose?" I questioned.

Her tired eyes widened as she summoned what appears to be a hammer "How do you know my name!?" she gripped onto her hammer "Who are you!" she lifted her weapon, ready to swing "Woah! Woah! Wait, it's me! Recognize me? You used to come over to play with Sonic all the time!" I stumbled back slightly raising my hands, not wanting to get hit.

Amy went quiet, processing my words "Hold on a second.." She stares at me for a moment, despawning her hammer "Tails?.." She questioned "Oh My Gosh! I'm so sorry! I didn't recognize you at all!" She exclaimed, stepping aside "Come in" She says and I went inside after reasurring her that it was alright.

This place hasn't changed a bit.
There's still old photos on the wall with Amy, Sonic, and Blaze. Some photos with Her and Her parents, Some With a rabbit, Amy and Sonic, and more recent ones. I could tell these were more recent by the date imprinted at the bottom of the frames. This one is with Sonic, Amy and her parents.
'So he was here' I thought to myself. I knew he couldn't have gone far, Our old home Isn't too far from here. I walked further into the house stopping in the living room. I watched as a young rabbit sat onto the couch while Amy walked in shortly after. "So.." Amy leaned against the kitchen counter "Mind explaining yourself?" She asked me.

I was confused for a second before remembering that I haven't been present for years. "It's a long story.." I say, averting my eyes "Well, we've got time." She says, crossing her arms. I could tell her and waste the time I have, or I could ask her if sonic is or was here. Which Judging from the recent photos, He's been here for some time.. He still wears the scarf I gave him, I'm glad.. I wonder If he still has the Emeralds I gave him?

"Hello!?" "Wha-huh?" I was snapped out of my thoughts "Shouldn't Mr. Sonic be the first to hear his explination?" The rabbit asked and Amy remained quiet before sighing "Yeah.. Your right.." She turned towards the stairs and walked up. I stood there for a bit.

She went upstairs.. Is he upstairs? Is Sonic Upstairs!! Did I finally find him!? Was he living here this whole time!? If so, I'm glad he fount somewhere safe to stay but why didn't I think to look here! or to check any of his friends houses! agh! that would've been a smart idea! I was too busy relying on chaos energy, I forgot to check. Then again, I don't really know the addresses to any of his friends houses-

I turned to look at the rabbit on the couch "Hello.. uh?" "Cream!" She chirped "Huh? Cream?" Is that her name? "Cream! My names cream, and this is Cheese!" She says holding up a Chao with a huge smile "Well, Hello Cream and Cheese" I smiled, giving a small wave "I'm Miles Prower, But you Both can call me Tails" I say, sitting myself down next to her on the couch "Okay!" She says, giving a big smile as Cheese sat beside her on the couch.

"So.. Your friends with Sonic?" I asked wanting to start a conversation and maybe pick up on some information. "Yeah!" She nods "For how long?" I asked since I don't really remember seeing or hearing Sonic mention a rabbit friend. I only remember Amy and Blaze "For a long time!" She says and I kept the conversation going by asking more small but simple questions. She answers them and eventually the conversation changed from questions and answers, to her talking about her adventures with Amy and Sonic, and me throwing in a few stories of my own from my adventures and research, simplified, of course.



Hey! It's been a while,
Sorry for the delay, this chapter was supposed to be out much sooner but I kept going over it, leaving it, then coming back to it. I've also been busy and distracted so mb.
Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Cya!


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24 ⏰

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