Chapter 1

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Hey guys, this is my first story so I hope I don't make too many mistakes and that you all enjoy. I don't own any of the characters besides Jessie, I don't own the plot line either, all rights go to the creators xox
In this fan fiction Jessie is the best friend of Wade, they have been friends since they were kids and have been through a lot together, but she is also they girlfriend of Nick so you can imagine the conflict between both boys, anything I haven't covered or you are confused about feel free to ask xox
Me, Paige and Carly, were sitting in a diner waiting for the boys to come back from making whatever trouble they'd decided to get themselves into.
" Hmm, there's a place in Tribeca for 3000." Paige said, popping a salty, warm fry into her mouth with one hand whilst pointing to an add in the paper with the other.
" That's too expensive. All the money I saved up won't even cover two months rent, I'm gonna have to work every second I'm not in class till graduation! " Carly replied frowning slightly.
" Carley, don't even think about going." I said, glaring jokingly.
" I'm not." Carly sighed, her eyes looking anywhere but us.
" Good, because you know how proud we are of you." Paige said as I nodded in agreement.
" It's just an internship..." Carly said modestly, but we could see the excitement shining in her eyes.
" At Instyle Magazine!!" Me and Paige squealed in unison.
" Or you could stay at the Waffle House as a waitress forever..." I trailed off.
" I think I'm good thanks!" Came Carly's reply. We carried on looking through Instyle magazine until I heard the deep voice of my best friend,
" Hey babe," he said sitting down next to Carly,
" Hi." She replied smiling.
" What took you so long jerk?" I asked, a grin resting on my lips, he glared in mock offence,
" There were these two drunk rednecks wrestling in the bathroom, obviously related to Jess over here, they share the same smell, Booz and piss! " He said with a laugh,
" Your a dick!" I replied, laughing as I threw a fry at him.
" There's no rednecks in New York." Said Paige, pointedly staring at Wade, I elbowed her lightly in the ribs, glaring.
"No. There's not." Came his tight reply, followed by an awkward silence.
" Well, I'm gonna go see what Blake's doing, he seems to like that car more than me nowadays" Paige said with a laugh before sliding out of the booth,
" I'd better go find Nick before he gets into anymore trouble." I winked at Carly before climbing out of the booth myself.
Walking down the Isle I smiled as I saw Nick and Dalton, I made my way towards them but frowned as Nick kicked a cup out of a homeless mans hands.
" Sup crow man?" Asked Dalton
" Get a job!" Snapped Nick, I sighed crouching down next to the man and handing him a $10 bill,
" Sorry about him, he just doesn't think before he does things," I said with a sigh,
" don't apologise," the man replied " it's not your fault, but thank you so much for the money, God bless you." I smiled at him before walking over to Nick and grabbing him by the arm, " why'd you have to do that? " I said glaring at him,
" Look I'm sorry babe I was just messing around, I just don't understand why He has to be here," he said gesturing to Wade. I sighed, wrapping my arms around his waist,
" Wades a good guy, he's kind and caring and he'd rather die then let anything happen to your sister, I don't understand why it's such an issue?" Nick's eyes shifted down to the floor, " it's not his relationship with her that bothers me..." He mumbled, I frowned pulling my arms from around his waist, " What is it with you two?! According to you he's not good enough to be my best friend and according to him your not good enough to be my boyfriend it-" but before I could finish my sentence he cut me off with a growl,
" He said what?!"
" Y'know what, I'm gonna go get the keys and wait in the car, you promised you wouldn't do this today." And with that I turned round walked over to Wade grabbed the keys and stormed out to the car.

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