Chapter 1

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Mount Olympus


Zeus Looked around angrily at everyone sitting around the solid gold table talking to each other but not listening to each other. He had had enough. Clapping his hands together, defenening thunder boomed around the room, silencing everyone at once. "All of you shut up and listen for once"! Everyone looked at Zeus. "If Kaos heard you all talking we will be all doomed, and he will unleash the Chonrote demons onto us and the human realm."

Apollymi looked towards Zeus with boredom on her face. "Let Kaos unleash the Chonrote demons, at least we can have some fun in the human realm." She laughed. Gasps could be heard all around the table.

"You are one crazy bloodthirsty bitch! They will tear us painfully apart limb from limb, it won't be a simple death for us Apollymi." Zeus' voice thundered. Everyone agreed with him.

"Why have you brought us here brother?" Hades asked.

Zeus curled his lip at Hades' hatred ever present in his eyes for Hades. "I have called you all here today to discuss a potential dilemma we might have in the human realm. I have been observing the human realm for some time now, and I have noticed that someone here has unleashed too many demons into the human realm and they are getting out of control. The demons are sucking the mortals' souls after drinking their blood dry and leaving their bodies for anyone to see."

"That cannot be brother" Athena said "Who would dare unleash the demons without our knowledge and for what purpose?"

"More importantly, why are there no hunters to stop them from killing the humans in such a manner?" Poseidon asked, looking directly at Artemis.

"Don't you dare look at me Poseidon, I am a Goddess of hunt and I have made many hunters and sent them to Earth. I am not about to get my hands dirty and train them, that is not my job. I have given them a place to live, I have given them money. I have given them servants to help them with everyday things. What more do you want me to do?" Anger flashed bright red in Artemis' eyes as she stood with bow and arrow ready to shoot at Poseidon's heart if he uttered a single wrong word.

Apollo laughed "Fear not sister. I will get them trained by sending them to Aries. you are always so bloodthirsty sis."

Zeus gave his son an amused look "Is that the wisest decision son? You know how Aries is taking orders from you. The last time I believe Aries broke your nose was when you gave him an order."

"Never fear dad, I will send the one thing Aries can never refuse."

"And what is that brother, do tell us?"

"I shall send him the most beautiful woman on earth to distract him, so he can agree to train the hunters." Apollo laughed at his sister.

"I am not amused Apollo, he could just snap his fingers and you are toast dear brother."

Apollo straightened up in his chair and looked at his sister angrily. "Stop thinking I'm such a pathetic little wimp, I do know how to fight and I do know when to hide my dear sister of mine." Apollo said with a smirk on his handsome face. "My plan will work, trust me?"

"Trust you? Trust you, my left foot!" Artemis shouted, she looked at her brother with hatred in her eyes and then dissolved into mist without another word and left the meeting to go back to her bed chamber. She could still hear Apollo's laughter ringing in her ears. How she hated her twin brother at times.

Once in her bed chamber Artemis flung her arms outwards and the two heavy white and gold doors swung open as she walked onto her white balcony overlooking the ocean. She gripped the gold railing with both hands until her knuckles turned white. She had to make her hunters better than just plain warriors sent to Earth to protect the humans.

Suddenly two white cats jumped onto her railing and ran into her bed chamber chasing and playing with each other, giving her an excellent idea. Smiling to herself, she flashed herself to the warriors hall where all the hunters were gathered talking amongst themselves and waiting for further instructions.

A bright white light blinding the hunters briefly making them shield their eyes had them stop talking. When the light faded they opened their eyes to see the Goddess Artemis standing above them all in a white flowing gown with a bow and arrow in her hands. All the hunters kneeled down on one knee and bowed their heads.

Without saying a word Artemis raised both her arms up and a flash of bright white light flashed through the hunters causing them pain throughout their bodies. Screams could be heard throughout the room and down the hall to the where Zeus was still holding the meeting. Once the light faded, Artemis could see the hunters were breathing hard but were no longer in pain, their bodies were more defined, more toned, their senses more developed and heighted more like a cat, their eyes could see more in darkness as if it was high noon. They would be able to shapeshift into cats when they were hunting and then back into human forms at will. On their chest on the left side just above their hearts was a small black tattoo of Artemis bow and arrow; it was the only thing they had of hers that was linking to her and showed that they served her. Now all Artemis needed were two hunters to go to Earth and a loyal human being, preferably one of God's decedent's one who is psychic and who could help locate the Gods Scepters and sense the demons locations. 

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