Chapter 6

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"What are we going to do now?" Cassandra asked as she stepped away from Sebatian wiping her tears away. Sebastian pulled Cassandra back towards him, he didn't like her being any distance away from him.

"First, tell me how do you locate the Scepters? I think one of the God's got tired of waiting for you to find them and sent Draco to capture you in order to torture you into locating the Scepters as quickly as possible. If that is so, then, we must first locate them and stash them somewhere safe where they won't ever look."

"And where will that be brother?" Zeno asked as he cocked his head to one side as if listening to something else.

"Our bedroom in Mount Olympus of course." Seb said with a grin on his face. "They would never think to look there, they will never know it's right there on Mount Olympus until it's too late." Smiling at his brother while rubbing Cassandra's shoulders.

"What are you up to brother?"

"Yes, what are you up to Sebastian?" Cass placed both her hands over Seb's, stopping his hands and stepped away from him to stand next to Zeno. Standing this close to Seb was dangerous and her feelings and emotions were all over the place.

"Don't you realize, Mount Olympus is the one place the demons cannot place one foot in. If they do, for one, Zeus will know, and second they will go up in flames and die instantly." Seb said as he folded his arms across his chest looking at them both with a smug look on his face.

"Seb, you are forgetting one thing."

"What is that Cassandra?"

"I have to agree to your plan." She quickly put her right hand out palm forward to stop Seb from interrupting her. "It's not easy for me to locate the Scepters and so quickly like you want me to. It's very draining for me and it takes a lot out of me. And can I even go to Mount Olympus?" Cass said with a smile on her face, clearly hoping she could go.

"Sorry Cassandra, it's too dangerous for you to come with us to Mount Olympus. Anyway the Gods will be able to know the moment a human steps foot there, you wouldn't be alive for more than a few minutes." Seb said feeling very protective towards Cassandra.

"Oh, never mind, that would be very bad for me since I love living." Cass said with a smile on her face.

"Yes, it would be." Seb looked at Zeno who was looking back the way he came and was glancing at his watch. "Let's get somewhere more safe and we can talk more comfortably and you can tell me more about your abilities."

Cass winced as if she had been struck. "Do I have to talk about it?"

"Yes, the more I can understand your abilities the more I can help you locate the Scepters quickly without you feeling any of the drawbacks." Seb placed a hand on Cassandra's lower back urging her to walk with him. His strides fast and sure that she had no problem keeping up with him stride for stride. She didn't get a chance to look at the car. He pushed her into the passenger seat and quickly put the seatbelt on her and closed the door on her open mouth and confused look face. He turned to walk quickly round the other side to get into the drivers side all the while trying hard not to laugh out loud at the expression on Cassandra's face, she had no clue where he was dragging her off to. Seb put his seatbelt on, looked at Cassandra, and smiled lovingly at her to put her at ease then he revved the car and drove fast, very fast expertly all the while Cassandra clutched the seatbelt like a lifeline.

"Could you drive a little slower, please." Cass said as she grabbed hold of her seat with her other hand. "One of us is mortal, have you forgotten that?" Cass said through clenched teeth.

"Relax, sweetheart, I won't let anything happen to you. I'm an excellent driver." Seb said while staring at her and swerved the car as he narrowly missed fendering another car. Cass let out a scream.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 30, 2022 ⏰

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