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I haven't left my room for the past few days. I feel wrong, I smell awful, and I'm practically drowning in my own sweat. I'm laying on my bed listening to the cure on my Walkman. I'm staring out my open window as a small breeze comes by. It feels nice. I slowly drift into a sleep, but I'm awaken by a soft knock on my door. "Mike..honey" my mom says. "We..uh got you your favorite. Waffles and chicken". I hadn't talked to anyone for a while, I could tell my mom was worried. "You wanna come out of your cave?" Her voice sounded desperate but not pushing. "..okay" my voice sounded wobbly which panicked her more but it was just because I haven't cleared my throat yet. "Okay honey it'll be waiting for you". I get up to sit on the edge of my bed. I miss Will, I miss him so much. I need to stop pushing him away. I get up and almost fall over. I open my door and walk downstairs. Everyone is staring at me. "Hey you finally decided to-" my dad starts but my mom hits him on the arm. "What?" He says confused. "We are happy to see you honey" mom smiles "come sit down". Nancy's eyes look soft and concerned. She mouths the words "you good?" I nod. I eat fast and rush out the door. "Where are you off to?" Nancy says. "Wills" I says fast but making eye contact. "Your in your pjs..". I forgot about that "its fine". I rush out and start biking. I have to be the dumbest person on earth. Why didn't I talk to him sooner I'm such a wussy. I arrive at his house and knock on the door.

(byler) Me And MichaelWhere stories live. Discover now