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Mike ends up calling his mom and asking to stay the night. Nacy comes over to see Jonathan and drops off Mike's bag. Jonathan doesn't come home from work for another hour. Mike was so mentally drained he fell asleep on my bed. I went to Jonathan's room to talk to Nancy. "Hey.." I said slightly nervous. "Hey will, do you need something?" Nancy treats me like another brother. "Its about.. Mike" her eyes look concerned  she Pat's the bed right next to her as if she is telling me to sit down next to me, I sit. "He was a total mess today most of the time he was so upset I couldn't tell what he was saying." Nacy looks sad but knows what I mean. "He hasn't left his room in like 2 weeks." Nacy says, my stomach turns. "Where is he right now?" She asks "he fell asleep.." "that's good... he hasn't been sleeping well. He hasn't told me but you can tell." She says. I nod as the room goes silent "will?" I hear Mike's voice from the living room. "I am gonna go see what he is up too." I say nacy nods then puts at her arms for a hug. "Thank you for being g there for him, your the only one he'll listen to right now." She was such a sweet person I was happy for Jonathan. I end the hug and walk out of the room. "Will" he says on the verge of tears. "Yes mike?" I say in a soft gentle voice. He just walks up saying nothing and hugs me. I was shocked at first but hugged him back. He started to cry not sob but cry. "Hey guys." Jhonathan says as he hangs up his coat. Mike doesn't let go. I see Jhonathan mouth the words "is he okay"  he says with a thumbs up. I mouth the words "I'm not sure" he nods and walks into his room. I hear him yell from his room "Dinner is in the fridge when you want it." El walks out of her room to get it from the fridge and stares for a minute then leaves to warm up her food. " I didn't know mike was coming over" she says solemnly. Mike breaks away from out hug. "hey el" he says also not enthused. She doesn't look at him, or say hi. "How long has he been here" she directs it to me instead of to him. "He just got here" I lie trying to stop an argument. "No I didn't" he says I mouth "you where supposed to go with it" "oh.." he says. "Why do you lie?" She says you can her the angst in her voice. "What?" He sounds annoyed. "I didnt lie I told the truth?" "No not that" she says I feel like I should leave them alone "When you say you love me, why do you lie?" She says calm but you can tell shes mad. "What? Where is this coming from?!" I leave and go into my room. after 20 minute their voices get louder then they go quiet. Mike comes into my room I sit up on my bed."...do you, wanna talk about-" I start but he cuts me off "I broke up with her.." his words shock me.

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