Chapter 10: Bikinis Are Not Owen's Best Friend

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Owen had shaved her legs the night prior out of pure boredom, so she decided to go to the pool that afternoon. Her parents were both at work, so it beat sitting around the house alone. It was located at the country club, so Owen felt weird not stopping by at least once a year. So many kids would kill for a nice pool to swim in with minimal others.

All she had were bikinis, so she settled on a tiny pair of pink bottoms and a top with dainty straps in the same soft shade. It was slightly too small for her boobs, mainly because finding cute tops that fit both her bust and her ribcage was an impossible task. Bottoms were easy enough, though. She slipped on an oversized tshirt and some shorts, just in case she had to stop somewhere on the way, and was out the door.

     Once Owen was settled by the pool, she pulled her shorts off  and tucked them into her tote bag. There weren't many people around, just a small family that seemed ready to leave and a few other girls around her age. Despite her solitude, Owen felt uncomfortable taking her top off in public. One of the reasons was that the girls around her seemed much prettier than her. They had flat stomachs and small frames, Owen bet a man could wrap both hands around their waists. It was the sort of body she dreamt of.

     She settled on relaxing by the pool and reading, her large sunglasses perched on her small nose. It was a book of psychological case studies she had bought in high school and never got around to reading, so in hopes of keeping herself sharp, she was reading it. The sun cascading down on her skin burnt in the best way possible, keeping her toasty like a cat in the window.

     She had made a dent in the novel when a loud group of boys entered the pool area. Owen groaned to herself, her eyes rolling behind her glasses. Hearing male laughter was enough for her to assure that shirt stayed on.

     "Owen!" Geoff shouted excitedly, noticing her as soon as he focused in on who else was at the pool. They'd quiet down if they were being too much of a nuisance. The sound of his familiar voice made her look up from her book, seeing him, Otto and Awsten walking towards her. She marked her page, stuffing the book into her bag as she tried to calm the sudden butterflies in her stomach.

     "Hey," she grinned. It was hard to be confident when Awsten was standing next to him in his shirtless glory, his toned skin shining with sunscreen. Owen was shamelessly staring at his toned arms and flat torso, trying not to eye the trail of hair that led into his swim trunks. Awsten didn't have a six pack by any means, but his body showed definite signs of working out. It was exactly what Owen liked. "What are you guys up to?"

"Just looking for something to do," Otto shrugged. Awsten was quiet, feeling weird for eyeing Owen's legs propped up on the chair. He thought she looked way too good with her hair pulled back like that, showing off her sharp cheekbones.

"I won't hold you up," she smiled. "You can leave your stuff over here, though." Otto and Geoff thanked her, while Awsten stayed silent. His mind was running too wild for him to say anything to her, really. He was trying to think of a way to talk to Owen without Otto and Geoff finding it weird or giving him hell. He just flashed her a toothy smile, though it was reserved, as he set his phone and wallet with Owen. Before he could walk off though, Owen let herself be bolder than usual.

     "How do you know Otto and Geoff?" Her hand was wrapped around his wrist, pulling him back to her as he started to turn away.

     "We went to school together," he explained. Awsten didn't have anyone to admit it to, but her touch made his heart stop beating for a moment. He took a seat on the chair next to her's, deciding to be decent or polite and talk for a moment. Otto and Geoff were too busy playing in the pool to notice them.

     "Then you must know my brother-," Owen started, but Awsten stole her thunder.

    "Warren?" He smirked. "I've already had this discussion with Otto and Geoff."

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