Track #15

13 1 0

Taehee's POV

A month after the memorial, Yoongi and I were still meeting up for drinks after our schedules. Yoongi had met his deadline and I was glad that it was done with. He was over the edge with that ballad so it was nice to see him back to normal. Sejin-sshi would be returning from paternity leave tomorrow and that meant that he would be back. I guess he would still be off work early so that he could spend time with his wife and new born after work. 

I really didn't know where our post work drinking sessions were going. I mean, I wasn't really talking too much but the company while drowning my sorrows was welcome. During our first session after my breakdown before the memorial, Yoongi assured me that he did not pity me in any way and that we were friends. 

I appreciated his sentiment of course and I had grown accustomed to his company but did I deserve even an ounce friendship or whatever it is?

Round about midday I received a text from the devil himself.

From Yoongi

Remember, we need to celebrate tonight. Drinks on me, something good.

I typed in my usual response.

To Yoongi


No sooner, I received another text.

From Yoongi

I got food covered too. Come over to my place by 9 pm Hoseok told me that his schedule should be done by 8 pm.

I typed in my response with a simple confirmation.

The rest of the day passed in a blur and by 9.15 pm I found myself ringing the bell at Yoongi's apartment.

He opened the door with what seemed like a faux frown on his face. "You're late" he said before wagging his spatula at me and turning around and returning to the kitchen.

"I would expect your colour coordinate itineraries to apply to you as well" he went on to lecture me, trying to imitate my manager voice.

I rolled my eyes as I followed him after shutting the door behind me. The kitchen was in full swing and it smelt really good. I had not had time to grab lunch so I must admit, I was tempted.

"You're cooking? That's and unusual way for you to spend your time, away from your studio, that is" I commented.

"It's deadline day celebrations. I met the deadline and now I am free. I love writing, composing and producing but being pressured by a deadline irks me if it makes me speed up my creative process" he said as he focused on the pan on the stove.

"So, it's my treat and you can zip it and enjoy Taehee-sshi. I bet you my skills are better than yours" he continued using his usual tone of playful.

I shrugged my shoulders and looked around. It looked like the table had not been set yet and I proceeded to do so. I hated staying idle for long. I got to work in peaceful silence. We didn't talk all the time and my much preferred silence did not feel uncomfortable.

Once I was finishing up with setting the table, Yoongi glanced at me and said "Why don't you go freshen up while I plate this and get the wine out?" 

"Yeah, thanks" I said as I went off to the washroom to change into my spare clothing. Ever since the day we got drenched in the rain, I always carried around an extra suit. I changed into the spare outfit, but decided to not wear the suit blazer indoors.

I returned back to the table to see Yoongi placing a bottle of whiskey on the table. I stopped when I caught sight of the food laid on the table.

Yoongi's POV

I don't know why I decided to cook but before I knew it, I had already texted Taehee that I would be cooking. I mean, yes I did want to celebrate and had decided to pop open my prized bottle of whiskey, which I received from Bang PD nim when we won our first Grammy 5 years ago.

Taehee took a seat at the table. Pouring her a class of whiskey I said to her "Now, I couldn't have wine with seafood pasta, if I did it would look like a date night."

She looked startled for a moment and rolled her yes. "Oh well, as long as the whiskey is aged and expensive."

I looked at her slightly shocked but when I caught sight of her face, I knew she was joking. She didn't often show it, but there were moments when she had a slightly playful smile on her face, whenever she was giving me a witty or sassy comment. 

My breath hitched, there it was again, her smile. Ever since I had seen her smile at me a month ago, I keep being caught off - guard every time she decides to show a semblance of a smile. Not good Yoongi, not good.

The time we had been spending the past few months and more so the past month had given me a chance to get to know Taehee. Not in the let's get to know each other kind of way but I had spent enough time with her to know what she values, topics she wants to avoid and even a few of her personal preferences when it came to work, hobbies and everything in between.

Dinner continued with me talking most of the time and Taehee giving her short answers. She really seemed to be enjoying the food and more so, the whiskey.

Once dinner was over, she volunteered to clear the plates while I took out a few snacks so that we could continue with our drinking session. The snacks were in the cupboard above the sink and every time I kept moving back and forth, I seemed to slightly brush against her while she was washing the dishes. I honestly don't know why but I was feeling nervous and the funny thing is, I knew that she was caught off guard too. 

We continued or work in silence until she was finally done with the dishes. 

"Yoongi-sshi, all done, time for round tw--" she said as she turned around looking for me, only to be stopped by, well, me as I had just picked up a bowl of snacks from the side counter. My breath hitched. She was so close. Her eyes were wide in surprise and her lips was slightly parted in surprise as well. This was a rare moment because one would rarely find Taehee caught off guard.

For a moment, all I could hear were our breaths. It seemed like we were just going to keep staring at each other and I could feel my face moving forward. I was entranced, so to speak.

Suddenly, a loud ringing snapped me out of my reverie. I felt her jerk back to reality before she proceeded to squeeze between the side counter and myself so that she could attend to the ringing phone. Saved by the call?

Was I really saved by the call though? Okay, I had a few second to explain myself, she would probably ignore what almost happened and do I want her to brush over it like she does with everything else that does not concern her job? 

I watched her as she answered her phone. I glanced at the clock on the wall. It was 11.30 pm. Who was calling her that late at night. She answered the phone but spoke to the caller in a hushed voice. Was it work? Is everyone okay?

The call seemed to be ending. I saw her end the call and no sooner she did that I felt that I had to speak. "Taehee-sshi..." I began.

She turned to me with an unreadable expression on her face. "Min Yoongi--sshi, I am going to ask you a question and I want you to think carefully and answer correctly."

I nodded. What could this be about?

"Are you in a romantic relationship with actress Kim Sohyun?"

A/N Sorry for the slow chapter, this semi-filler chapter was much needed to prep you all for the drama and heat ahead :)

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