Track #17

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Taehee's POV

After my call with the Head of the PR team, I typed in a quick text to Sejin-sshi, confirming that all the tasks he had given to me were actioned.

I decided to not rejoin our guests in the lounge. Frankly, I was tired, confused, annoyed, grumpy, basically a cocktail of emotions. I hated it, I hated not knowing what I feel. Oh well, now was not the time to ponder on that. 

I turned to my heel to head back towards the elevator. Staying in the vehicle was the best option although I was dreading another awkward car ride with Yoongi. I don't know why I was relieved that the pictures weren't true. But I was also not happy that there was a truth behind the pictures. Had Yoongi hidden this from the company all this time? I guess because it was for a few months...

My thoughts were dragged back into reality by a warm hand grabbing my arm.

"Taehee-ah, I've been calling your name thrice now, why are you ignoring me?" Yoongi asked, stopping me from my walk to the elevator.

I looked blankly at him and responded in a strained voice, "I was not. Go back to your guests, I will wait in the vehicle waiting to drive you home. Don't take too long, I have work to do after dropping you."

"It's already 2 am, you're buzzed and tired. I'm not going to let you drive again unless you get some rest. Let's go to my studio, come, no excuses" Yoongi said firmly, when he noticed that I was ever ready to decline his suggestions. 

No sooner, he grabbed my hand and beckoned me to follow him to the lift. He pressed the button for the 11th floor, where his studio was at. We'd spent a good number of nights at the studio drinking after a long day of work, so the place did hold some familiarity.

Once we eventually reached the studio, he lead me to the large plush couch. I lightly shrugged my hand from Yoongi's and went ahead to settle myself on the couch.

Yoongi, I observed, had gone straight to the little kitchenette at the corner of the studio. He soon came towards me and settled himself next to me on the couch. Without a word, he handed me a warm mug of tea.

I took it without a word, trying to avoid his gaze. Leaving us in a room together after the tension in the kitchen a few hours ago was not a good idea.

"Taehee-ah, I need to explain, I--" Yoongi began but I was having none of it.

"There's nothing to explain Yoongi, I just did my job as a manager and the matter is settled so I'm not interested in knowing about your romantic history" I said, before taking sip of my tea.

"We were young, she was infatuated and I was too. It was only 5 months and then we realized that we wouldn't work out because we were too different, at different points in life, wanting different things" he explained, disregarding my earlier comment.

I was not in the mood to deal with this. Yes, I was happy to know the full story but at the same time I knew I shouldn't, I couldn't. Things like these, they're not for me, the past had a lovely way of reminding me that, every waking moment. I cannot destroy another life.

"Like as said, it's not my business. As your manager, I have done my job and you as the artist have done yours by being present at the meeting" I said, before finishing off my tea. Before he could say anything in response, I set my mug on the side table and get up, "Well, thank you for the tea, I will go get the vehicle started, so I'll see you downstairs. Don't be late, I need to get at oleast 30 minutes of sleep before I start the next day's schedule and you do too" I said as I headed to the door.


Yoongi's POV

I was fuming. She never would let me talk would she? She didn't give me a chance to explain, well, I did explain but she wasn't listening and... I don't want any misunderstandings between us. It was clear from the tension in the kitchen hours ago that there was something there, something worth exploring. Did she feel it too? Is that why she went back to her cold, formal self with me?

My train of though was cut short as I saw her abruptly get up from the couch and walk towards the door. "For one in your life can you for the love of God just listen!?" I exclaimed after her my voice coming out slightly louder than intended. I stood up and went closer to her.

At my statement, she stopped in her tracks. The air was thick with silence and tension.

Slowing turning towards me, Taehee said, "I am under obligation to listen when it concerns my duties as a manager. I am under no obligation to hear about an artist's dating history unless it is to set the record straight with the media."

My anger was accelerating pretty fast. Artist? Artist? Was she referring to me as an artist? "Are you for real now? Your artist? We're friends and we've been spending so much time together no matter how busy we were! I've held you close when you ha--"

"Thank you for all of it but I made a mistake, I should not have blurred the line of my duty" she said as she cut me off. I couldn't help but notice how her voice shook as she pieced the hurtful sentence together.

She turned away to walk the fi Al few steps towards the door. I followed her and before she could unlock the door, I placed my hand on it, in an attempt to prevent her from leaving. I can't let her go without resolving this, whatever it is that's going in between us.

Clearly annoyed at my actions, she quickly turned around to face me with a frown on her face, only to find herself trapped between the door and myself. She tried to back away, only to find her back hit the door slightly.

Her eyes widened as she realized our close proximity and widened even further as I placed my other hand against the door a well, encasing her between myself and the door.

Seeing such a vulnerable look on her face, I took a few breaths to calm myself down and organise my thoughts.

"Taehee-ah, I know you're afraid, it's been two years since the accident but I know you're still--" I began with a gentler tone, only to be interrupted by the woman in front of me.

"Don't pretend to know me, you know nothing" she said he voice dangerously low.

"I don't know everything yes, but I wish you would tell me, in time. All I know right now is this, what went on back in the kitchen. The attraction,  the tension, all of it. Isn't it worth seeing what it's about? We're not teenagers or in our twenties to just disregard such things" I said.

Taking a breath, I looked at her and saw that her breathing was heavy. A confused look on her face.

I bent my head down, so that I could reach her ears.

"Am I still just an artist and you just a manager?" I whispered, my lips lightly brushing against her earlobe.

I heard her breath hitch. I raised away from her earlobe and went back to looking at her.

I lowered my neck so that our noses were almost touching. We stayed like that for a moment. Now was the time for her to pull away if she didn't want any of this.

My face inched closer to hers. I clearly was crossing all the lines Taehee wanted me to stay behind but I couldn't let this moment go. My lips connected with hers.

The kiss started off as slow. After a few seconds, I could feel her kiss me back as well. She tasted like whiskey and tea. Just as it was about to get deeper, I stopped myself and pulled away. I couldn't let this go further without knowing what she was feeling right now, what she was thinking.

We were both breathing heavily. My eyes searched hers, looking for a sign. Her eyes were unreadable. Maybe it was too soon.

I took my arms away from the door and ran my left hand through my hair in frustration.

"Taehee-ah I'm really--" I was cut off by her again, but this time, with her lips crushing against mine, hot and heavy.

A/N Seems way too early for a happy ending, doesn't it? :P

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