Track #7

16 2 0

Yoongi's POV

Two weeks had flown by quickly and it was finally time for Taehyung and Jungook to leave. I can't believe these kinds are ready for the army.

We certainly did give them a memorable farewell with good food and all the booze he could handle. One second thought, the booze was somewhat of a regrettable choice the next morning. 

At 6.30 am the next morning, we were now standing in front of the company building, so that Taehyung and Jungook could say goodbye to everyone. Hoseok, Namjoon and Jimin had early morning schedules so we all decided the company was the best place to convene.

I knew that Sejin hyung wanted to be there to bid Taehyung and Jungook farewell, but I did not expect Taehee-sshi to be there too. She was in her usual black suit.

"Alright, we have exactly 20 minutes to say our goodbyes before Jimin-sshi heads over to the recording studio, Sejin-sshi drives Namjoon-sshi to the radio station and I drive Hoesok-sshi to the theatre for his rehearsal" she said as she handed everyone warm paper cups of coffee.

I rolled my eyes. Of course, only she would time an emotional farewell. We all took turns hugging the two. Taehee-sshi was last and she seemed hesitant to hug them. I'm sure she considers hugging as unprofessional, haha.

When Taehyung and Jungook reached her, she handed them both a flask each. The next thing I saw was Taehyung and Jungook engulf her in a long group hug,leaving her frozen in place.

Taehee-sshi cleared her throat. "Alright everyone, time's up!" she said as she shooed everyone to their respective vehicles. Before she got into the team vehicle, she turned to me and gave me a knowing look before saying "Yoongi-sshi, you can go drop them at the training base with Seokjin-sshi but make sure you are back here by 10 am, you have a schedule at noon." 

I nodded in acknowledgement and with that, she left.

Is it just me or does she have the most abrupt exits?

After ten minutes on the road with Seokjin hyung, Taehyung and Jungook, my curiosity got the best of me. "Yah, I'm curious, what's in those thermal bag?" I asked the maknaes.

Jungook hugged the bag closer. "When I hugged her, noona told me that it's homemade hangover soup. I can't get over how sweet this gesture is!" he exclaimed. He sounded like a very happy kid. Taehyung nodded in agreement, animatedly.

"I didn't know you two were that close to her" I mused. "Well, not really... I just have a whole lot of trust in her. I know that she can be annoying with her clipped tone and precise schedules but I really do think she is a good person." Jungook went on.

"Arasso, arasso. I know she is not a bad person. I just don't like the whole know - it - all vibe she gives" I conceded.

The drive continued and maknae's time as a free men was numbered.

Taehee's POV

Urgh, Taehyung--shi's and Jungook-sshi's group hug was so awkward and definitely not something I would do on the job. But then again, I must admit, I am going to miss them. I hope they have the hangover soup and feel better before they get to the camp. I don't want them to get into trouble on his first day.

I drove Hoesok-sshi to the theatre. He went to the rehearsal room to warm up. I set up the supplies in his corner of the dressing room. It took a bit of time to set up the flasks or warm honey water, the sealed bottles of water, vitamins and the emergency first aid kit.

After setting up, I dove back to the company. It was 5 minutes to 10 am. I'd better get back to the company on time, otherwise I'd have to see Yoongi-sshi giving me his signature eye roll. To be honest, I hadn't seen the eye roll lately... Oh Lord, is it because he pities me? After my incident the other day?

I arrived at the company to see Yoongi-sshi already in the car park, leaning against his car. I checked my watch, It was 9.59 am. Ha! I wasn't late. The petty yet competitive side of me was still alive.

I put down the shutter and gestured him to get in. He got into the passenger seat.

"Didn't expect you to be earlier than I, that's a first" I said with a slight smirk.

Yoongi-sshi stared at me blankly for a moment and replied "Didn't expect you to be late either."

We drove in silence. It felt awkward. It was the first time that we had been alone together, after the incident last week in the stairwell. Despite my eyes being on the road, I could feel his gaze on me. That was such an uncomfortable feeling, mind you.

"Am I heading in the wrong direction? Is there something on my face or is that the look of pity, Min HYoongi-sshi?" I asked, trying my best to give out a disinterested tone.

He cleared his throat. "Umm... Are you alright? Have you been well? Don't worry I didn't tell anyone but I do hope you got help" he said.

"To answer your concerns in order... Never been better, good as always, yes I trust you and no I don't need help" I answered in one breath.

"But I think you need help to address the state you were in that day" Yoongi-sshi continued.

"Nothing a little self - control can't handle. Look, I appreciate your concern but please do not speak of it again and do not look at me that way" I said.

"What way? Concern? " he asked, with a hint of curiosity in his tone.

"No, pity." I responded.

"But I didn't --" he tried to defend himself.

"Just. Don't." I said and I turned on the radio to prevent any more conversation.

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