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The infant in his arms was tiny

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The infant in his arms was tiny. In fact, Poseidon was fairly certain that he had never seen such a tiny babe - mortal or otherwise - in his entire existence.

He knew he should resist. Should have never visited. But he is still inherently selfish as all immortals are no matter what they try to fool themselves and others into believing, and thus he finds himself unable to resist that temptation. So he steals into her room like a thief in the night, to watch her. And because at the end of the day, he is but a weak selfish creature, he lifts her from her crib and holds her in his arms.

She looked so small and so fragile cradled in his arms that were built up and scarred from eons of fighting - be it monsters, his family, or the years spent warring with the titans - his arms were those of a fighter, built for causing death and destruction no matter how much Poseidon tried to avoid such things.

Persephoneia Jackson. His first daughter in millennia. His lovely little princess. Her eyes flutter open and familiar shade of ever-changing sea green peer up at him with wide-eyed adoration. She giggles and coos and somehow, Poseidon grows to love his little princess even more.

His daughter. And how his heart filled with that concoction of turbulent emotions and the proof he held cradled against his chest. It was a simple fact at this point that he was more often than not likely to sire a son than a daughter, in fact he could list all his daughters on one hand while his son's would require at least three to even begin to list them all.

However the child in his arms was his first demigod daughter. Not just that but she was the result of the union with the one the Fates had meant for him and his beloved wife to be with, making the baby girl in his arms all the more special in his eyes.

Don't mistake him, he loved all his children equally no matter his feelings towards their mothers (or fathers, he enjoyed his time with his male lovers whether he was a male himself or in his rare female form) and despite what others outside their protective little circle of a family tried to make their cherished eldest child believe (and what select others he won't bother to name believed to be true, no matter how ludacris the notion was) - Triton would always be his son and heir. He was always going to be his little boy. His first child, his first son, that was never going to change and Poseidon always made sure that Triton knew how much he was loved and that no matter what happened Triton would always be his heir.

His son was so much like his parents but he was even more so like his grandfather Oceanus. Something Poseidon and Amphitrite both thanked the Fates daily for. They both knew that neither of them were particularly cut out for sitting on a throne 24/7 and spending their days listening to one complaint or another, they were meant for freedom and adventure, not bureaucracy and politics. It was yet another reason why neither he nor Amphitrite minded when the other took a lover - heck they on more than one occasion shared a lover a time or two throughout their existence. But more than that they would never hold the other to double standards like some and Poseidon had made it clear at the beginning of their marriage that he would be taking lovers and only lovers and that Amphitrite was more than welcome to do the same without fear of Poseidon lashing out against her or whatever lover she had at the time, much less any child born outside their marriage.

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