The students of Hogwarts have just come in the great hall for lunch when a letter appeared in front of the headmaster. The great hall went silent as Dumbledor quickly read the letter. The doors of the great hall slammed open as the death eaters, Malfoys, blacks, Weasleys, and potters entered the hall.
" What is this nonsense dumbledor! I have things I must get done." lord Malfoy shouted. Dumbledor looked up at them, pale faced. "Lord Malfoy, it seems we will be having some visitors...."he trailed off as molly walked up and snatched the letter from hand.
"Let me see this " molly Sayed.
Hello Hogwarts and family,
I'm sending you six movies. along with the people who the movies are about. the first thing you will watch is some edits that i have made so you can understand them a little bit. Tom riddle and Draco Malfoy. watch out for the girl named Riona. she is the missing piece for you boys. you will not be able to do magic until the movies are over. anything you will need will be available and bathrooms are down the hall.
thank you
Just then 13 people fell out of a giant hole. Only two landed on their feet. The blonde who had been one of the two who landed on their feet had yelled in a thick accented voice "Strange when I get my hands on you. you will die a horrible death."
the red head who was paying attention to her surroundings had slapped her hand on the blonde's mouth before she could say anything more. and the group who landed on floor had managed to get to their feet. They quickly made a circle around the small blonde girl.
"Where are we?" asked the man with the metal arm.
"Hogwarts." came the reply
"Hog whatie what what ?" came in the thick Russian accented voice.
"How about yall introduce yourselves? " Molly suggested.
im going to leave this here for now.