Chapter 19

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A little smut warning for this one <3


Warm light makes its way through the bedroom window, causing Loki to stir. But waking up here in his bed is not the pleasure he had been expecting it to be when he'd first arrived from Midgard. After all, you were no longer there—choosing instead to stay in your own rooms on the other side of the palace.

Betrayal. That's what you'd called it. That's the word you'd screamed in his face upon realising where you were. The fact that he'd apparently ripped you from your home, left your father to fend for himself, lied about who he was, and brought you to a different world in the universe. Unforgiveable, you'd said.

Loki grits his teeth and shoves the thick blankets out of his way—the thick blankets that still smell of you. He just couldn't help replaying it over and over, wondering if there was some sort of magical phrase he could have used to make you see sense. Didn't you understand he'd done it to save your life?

Loki sniffs, pushing the low-slung pyjama bottoms over his hips and letting them pool at his feet. Does she expect me to apologise for saving her? I won't do it.

It's the reason why you're still not talking to him. But you couldn't refuse to talk to him forever, right?

The shower jets are hot already, but Loki turns them up even more and pushes his head underneath. The water is a good distraction—painful almost—raining down over his head and face, causing his long hair to plaster to his neck. He keeps it there for a moment longer, holding his breath. Don't think of her. Don't think of her.

But he can't help it.

He'd wanted to have you right here. Had expected to quite quickly. But that wonderful morning was the only time you'd been together in over a week. The picture of it is still vivid in his mind, but he can tell it's fading—softening around the edges like memories tend to do.

He misses you.

You'd finally woken up, but now you're gone again.

The memory of your body against his, your soft wet pussy clenching tight around him as you came. It pushes into his mind, swirling heat through his belly before coiling deep into his groin. I want her so badly. Loki slams his hand against the shower wall, letting the water pummel down onto his back.

I love her...more than I've ever loved anything...she does things to me that no other woman has come close to doing.

Unable to ignore it, Loki slides his hand down over his stomach and grips his already swelling cock. If he closed his eyes and pressed his forehead to the wall, he could almost picture it—both of you back in the cabin on Midgard. How you'd knelt down at his feet in the shower. How he'd watched you, unable to tear his eyes away as you'd looked up at him. Your beautiful face...your eyes searching his as you'd parted those swollen lips.

Loki gasps, tightening his grip as the image of you solidifies in his mind. He can almost feel your small hands sliding tentatively up his thighs and around his behind. You'd been still so unsure, so innocent. He remembered how his heart had pounded—the small creature in front of him so perfect. It'd been insanity that he'd found you in such an isolated part of Midgard. How his feelings had already become so potent and compelling.

Almost as if he was meant to find you all along.

Loki hisses at the memory of your warm wet lips, your mouth opening...swallowing him down. She'd been so eager at that point...sucking on the tip of my cock...staring up at me with that frown of concentration she always does. Loki flexes his hips, starting to thrust into his hand. Where were you right now? Were you thinking of him too?

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