Chapter 23

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Smut warning! ;)


Loki is deposited ankle-deep in cold, wet snow, reminding him of the exact moment he arrived here in Midgard the last time. In fact, when his eyes adjust to the darkness, he realises he is actually in the same spot—stood in a snowy forest, and once again underdressed for the occasion.

So much had happened since then. Thinking back to the person he was when he'd stood here last, he'd had no idea what was in store for him. Who he would meet.


Stunning, wonderful you.

He'd been so hellbent on getting away from Asgard...escaping his parents, Thor and all their impossible ways that this had been the last thing he'd expected. Just desperate to carve a new life for himself, he'd arrived not knowing what was about to change.


By opening up your heart to him, Loki had seen a new path, a better path—one he would walk with you by his side. He can look at the world now—any world—with renewed eyes. Eyes that see colour and beauty in the simplest things. The things he'd previously taken for granted. Like the millions of stars of Yggdrasil.

There's no way that he's going to give all that up. I have to show her the truth of my feelings.

Spotting that same misty halo of light through the trees, Loki heads straight for it, finding the compacted snowy road that he'd found the first time. There's no Stefan to pick him up now though, so he starts walking—deciding against using his powers and instead trying to rehearse what he'd say to you when he sees you.

The first twenty times, he messes it up—sounding as if he's making excuses for his actions. He can't deny what he'd done. He'd left you to bear the brunt of Odin's words...let you run from the throne room, tears streaming down your face. He should have protected you from all of it. But he didn't. It'd taken Thor of all people to open his eyes. To help him see what he'd be missing if he let Odin get to him.

And worst of all now, he has no clue how to explain any of it.

I'm so fucking weak.

The admission to himself almost cuts him in two. He's the God of Mischief. He's not meant to feel this way. But in reality, the only time he'd ever felt truly powerful was when he was with you. Kissing you. Pushing deep inside you. Watching your face as you'd come around him.

It'd been those moments which showed him who he really was.

I'm nothing without her...truly nothing.

Loki decides to start with that.


The lights are on at your house when Loki approaches, yet all the curtains are drawn against the dark sky and swirling snow. He has no idea what you're going to say when you see him. If you'll even let him speak. All he can do is pray that you will.

Loki raps his knuckles hard against the wood of the door, his ears pricking at the sound of movement inside...of footsteps approaching. They sound heavy, they can't be yours. And Loki deflates slightly when the door opens and Stefan's face pokes around the corner.

"Loki..." he says, raising an eyebrow. The look in his eye and his tone of voice makes it clear that you've told him something. Though he's not sure what. Surely she wouldn't have told him everything.

"Stefan," he starts tentatively, "it's nice to see you again."

"I wish I could say the same to you's disappointing how it ended between you and my daughter."

The Heat of the Snow // A Loki FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now