Chapter 16

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The rest of the night its busy, you don't actually do anything apart from drinking, Alex keeps bringing you over all kind of cocktails and its sweet but you start getting a little tipsy. You chat with Dan for like an hour but then he meets with some old friends, he insist to join him, but you tell him you're here for work and he leaves you alone.
Alex manages to deal with mostly everything and you can't help but smile seeing how good she and Phil get along, its like they worked together for years.
After the last costumers leave you make your way behind the bar and start washing glasses.
- You don't have to do that, Alex can handle it.
- I don't doubt it, but I want her to finish faster so I can go home.
- You can't go home without her?
He smirks and you roll your eyes,.
- I like her you know.
And you don't want to hear it, you don't want him to say something like that because you saw the lingering looks and the smiles..
- She can handle her shit and she is mature enough compared to the other idiots.
You think you are going to smash the glass in your hand.Please don't say it, please don't say it!
- I think she is good for you.
Wait what? He never cared before about who you liked or who you dated. He never liked your ex, you know but he never said something about it either so you don't really know how to act.
- Oh.. that.. I mean..
- Oh please, just because all your friends are idiots that doesn't mean you can't see from 1000 miles away that there is something between you two.
Alex comes with a trail full of glasses and you start washing them, she gets next to you and polish the one you hand her.
- You okay? Did he said something to you? Do you want me to punch him in the face?
You want to laugh cause yeah, you think she is good for you too.
- Didn't expect you to be this aggressive.
You laugh and see her tense, fuck, you didn't mean it that way. So you grab the glass from her hand and put it down.
- I didn't said I don't like it.
Something sparkle in her eyes and gosh you feel yourself getting dizzy again, you shouldn't drank all that.
- Hey, Alex, finish that tray and you are free to go.
- No, I can still help, I am not that tired.
- You might not be but its passed my BABY sister bed time.
You feel yourself getting red and maybe you should let her punch him in the face.
- Plus tomorrow it wil be a full day too, so make sure Jessy let's you catch some sleep.
Alex starts laughing and enough is enough, so you wipe your hands, grab your stuff and get out. You make your way to the car and wait for Alex.
She shows up 5 minutes later and gives you a smile.
- Why in such a hurry miss Hawkins?Feeling sleepy or tipsy?
- Both, can we go now?
Its dark outside and the weather its much coler than when you left the house, you would love to stay outside with her more but you start shivering.
She pulls the car keys form her pocket and you two get inside.
She starts counting what you assume its tonight tips, splits it in half and hands you a part.
- What? Don't be silly, I really didn't do anything tonight.
So you push her hand away.
- You did,  you were a great company.
- Oh my god, Alex, I am not a whore, you don't have to pay me.
She gets red and you start laughing.
- I didn't meant it like that, honestly. Plus you gave me your car and.. and.. your jeans..
- You will have to work a couple more nights to pay for those jeans!
She laughs, starts the car and set the satnav to your home address.
- Alex, can we talk about Dan? I wanted too tell Phil too, but I knew he would react bad and as much as I hate Dan for doing that I don't want anything bad to happen to him.
- Well, Karma is a bitch and your brother didn't want to hire me, he said he doesn't want to get caught in the middle of our group " shaningans". Plus its not like I have that much savings in my bank account.
- But you could had stay with me, you don't have to pay a room at the motel and and..
- Jessy, you don't have a job, I don't have a job we can't just live of.. of.. air, okay?
"We can't live" WE and your heart just melts.
- I promise Jessy, I won't let anything bad happen to Dan, I can handle Phil, I think he trusts me, I will figure this out.
You feel warm inside and you don't know if its from the alcohol or because of her. You realize this is the 3rd time you seen her and you know so little about her but somehow she makes you feel safe.
- Nothing bad? I thought you wanted to kill him?
You can see her grabing the steering wheel harder and jelousy looks hot on her too.

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