Mizz Cakez-Eddie Munson X Reader

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      The four band members sat around Eddie's living room, TV on, some rerun episode of Magnum playing. Eddie laughed at something, it probably wasn't that funny in reality but they were stoned outta their minds. Gareth started getting the munchies so he looked over at Eddie, "Dude, have you been to that new bakery over on Arnold Street?" Eddie shook his head, the thought of something sweet making his mouth salivate, "Nah, man. I didn't even know there was a new place."  Gareth looked over at Jeff and Devon. The three of them exchanging knowing looks, suddenly Eddie seemed out of the loop, "Why? They that good or what?"

     Jeff laughed, "Or what...You've been missing out. The girl who works there lives in the town over-" Devon interrupted shooting up from his prone position, "She's the sweetest thing in the whole shop." Eddie's eyes slowly grew, the town over? That means...she wouldn't know anything about anyone. The thought of actually having a girl not be afraid to talk to him made his heart skip. He slapped his knees, before standing up, "Well boys, I guess that means we're taking a trip to the bakery." They all got up excited to go get something to eat and to see their new favorite girl in town. He grabbed his keys and wallet as they walked out the door.

      Eddie pulled his van into one of the vacant spots in front of the cutely decorated building. The windows had decals of cakes with faces on them; word blurbs attached beckoning in passersby.  He looked into the rear view mirror fixing his hair a bit before bouncing out of his seat down onto the ground below him. He followed behind his three friends, nerves hitting him. Maybe he should have waited to come until he wasn't high? Did they smell like weed? Was she into guys like him? Devon had made his way over to the sample of the day, blueberry cheesecake. Eddie walked over with him and grabbed one for himself. The taste was incredible and he didn't even like blueberries that much, "S'good, man." Devon nodded in agreement, "I'll have to buy my mom  a slice. This might be her best one yet."

      Eddie walked over to the display case. Cookies, cakes, cupcakes..you name it they probably had it. All of a sudden the doors to the back of the store burst open. The sounds of the door slamming into the wall made him jump slightly. Jeff slapped his arm, nodding to the person and whispering, "That's her." Eddie walked further down the counter to get a look, not creepily, he took in the counter top sales items. He would glance up every once in a while to look. The guys hadn't exactly been truthful...she wasn't sweet looking; she was gorgeous. She looked up from the cake she was finishing, buttercream splotched her apron and she had a bit on her cheek. She gave a quick smile as she looked at the group of guys now lining the counter, "Hey, guys! Long time, no see." She wiped her hands off on a towel before walking over. Her hair bouncing slightly in it's high ponied style. He gulped, her voice was sweet like honey. She looked over at him and he could watch her taking him in. Suddenly he felt very self conscious. Her smile brightened as she leaned against the counter top in front of him. She extended one of her hands out for him to shake, "Hi, I'm (Y/N). You must be this Eddie I've heard so much about?" His eyes widened a bit, surprised that the guys would have talked about him. He shook hands with her, careful not to squeeze to tightly, "Uh-yeah, yeah I'm Eddie. Nice to meet you." He gave her one of his best smiles. A blush crept its way over her cheeks, "So, what can I get ya?" The guys had her grab a few things for each of them before going to sit at a table. Eddie being the last to pick. She rose an eyebrow teasingly, "Want anything?"

       He tapped his fingers against the counter top, rings clinking together, "Hmm, what do you recommend?"(Y/N) stood up to her full height, several inches shorter than himself, and walked over to the case. He watched as she pulled out three different items before coming back. She licked her lips as she sat them down. (Y/N) pointed to each in turn as she described them, "So, this is our devil's chocolate brownie. It's made with dark chocolate so it's sweet but not overly so. This one is a strawberry limeade bar. Sweet and tart; it's one of my absolute favorites. This last one...well, its special and I only recommend it to people that I think will like it." Eddie laid his arms down on the counter, propping himself up, "Pray tell?" She leaned forward, almost whispering, "This one...is sweet buuut spicy. It starts off just a normal cookie; the heat slowly building up with each bite. Not only in your mouth but your whole body too. Warming you from the inside out...like really, really good sex." She licked her lips deliberately as the words trickled out of her mouth, she looked up over at him through her eyelashes. He gulped, his dick hardening at the thought of fucking her right here in the bakery, "Sounds interesting...I'll take all three." He wasn't sure if she was flirting with him or just really good with words to sell their products. He hoped, no prayed, it was flirting. She placed the items in the brightly colored wrapping paper before sliding it across to him. He brought his eyebrows together, "You didn't ring me up?" She laughed and gave him a wink, "For you...this time's on the house." She grabbed a card and scribbled on it quickly, "This is my phone number...I really hope to hear from you, Eddie."  She blushed and placed it on the top of the small bundle. His stomach turned into a mass of butterflies flying around.  He tilted his head, slightly bowing as he walked away, "Oh, you'll definitely be hearing from me, Princess."


Eddie Munson X  ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now