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You know that feeling when you wake up? You know; the one where you stayed up almost all night playing on your phone, passed out but don't remember sleeping and the alarm just went off. So you didn't get any sleep and now have to go to school?

That's kinda how you could describe waking up a month after being transported into another dimension and forced into becoming a superstar.

You were still in disbelief (even after days turned to weeks) and had started to replay the events that had led up to this moment

After hearing about the release of the Splatfest World Premiere, you decided to replay the hero mode for Splatoon 2-- enjoying the nostalgia of each area and boss. You ended up getting tired right after the end of the play-through. Luckily, since it was the weekend- you didn't have to worry too much about an alarm scaring you awake in a few hours and fell asleep in content.

Before waking up trapped and hung in a bunch of wires, over a cliff.

Fortunately just as you fell from said wires, you were caught by the arm!

By Marie.

Who looked pissed.

You don't think you would've survived if it weren't for Callie taking interest in you.

After telling them your name, they seemed to deduce you weren't a spy or anything threatening. But still chose to bring you to their grandpa to be certain.

You, who hadn't fully realized what was happening- let the two drag you to Captain Cuttlefish and discuss what to do with you.

He told them to keep an eye on you, now that DJ Octavio was captured and Callie was back, anything suspicious could be a breakout attempt.

They agreed and the rest was history.

You've now been here for a month and still haven't fully processed what was happening. You were just sleeping and ended up in a different world! Not to mention YOU NO LONGER HAD ANY BONES!!

One of the main reasons you were dragged around was because you had to re-learn how to walk. Due to your body now being one of an inkling instead of a human. Which was a lot of pain for you and your brain.

Which the cousins found very odd- not understanding how an inkling didn't know how to walk at the age you were- but quickly got used to and adapted to help you with learning.

So now here you are, trying to drown out the noise of Callie calling for you to wake up on the other side of the door. You thank whatever being there is that they were kind enough to give you your own room for privacy.

"(Y/N)!! It's time to get up! I made pancakes!" The promise of food was something that normally would've given you enough motivation to get out of bed- but something was telling you that today you would need lots of energy.

And soon that point was proven, as Marie dragged you by your legs out of bed.

"Come on Marie~ just five more minutes?"

"Nope. If I have to do this, so do you."

Your face contorts to a frown, trying to sway the cousins to let you have a break. You had been taking dance, singing, and any other type of lesson imaginable after one of the two caught you singing in the shower. After some discussion- between the two of them- you were told that you from then on would train to become an idol like them, so they could keep an eye on you at work.

"Should be fun!"

How wrong you were.

So today, like the past few days- you were trying to get out of it. Sitting at the table with the cousins.

And today, you think you have the perfect idea.

"Isn't there anything else I could do today? Like maybe explore the plaza?" Marie gives you a look, and Callie looks confused.

Bingo. Callie was a lot more lenient with what you were able to do while under this "parole". So if she were to see you sad she would most definitely give you a little freedom!

"I've been feeling so trapped here! Not being able to leave, if there was any way I could get even a little time alone outside I'm sure I could work even harder in training! Not to mention you basically kidnapped me" Quietly squeezing in the last part you give them your best sad face while eating the pancakes Callie had made and Marie refused to eat.

Callie seems sympathetic but Marie doesn't budge.

"Come on Marie! Couldn't we let them go for a little? I'm sure it wouldn't hurt!" Marie stares wide-eyed at the sudden ganging up on her.

But with yours and Callie's sad eyes combined, she gives in.

"Fine. we'll send you with a trusted agent" sighing Marie pulls out her second phone, the one she uses when undercover- something you've learned while staying with the two.

You decide not to argue about getting to go alone thinking it was better than nothing and celebrate.

'Who's the agent? Wait- am I going to meet agent 4?!'

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