🔫⋆🎀 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 6 🎀⋆🔫

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Turning back you see Rider landing a perfect jump, the smidge of jealousy you feel keeps you from seeing him frustratingly squeezing the place your hand had met his, and his arm.

"Alright! Now that that's over, where's the baddies?"


'Too many, baddies'

Yeah you got swarmed by some Octotroopers.

You forgot about checking around corners and just ran in guns blazing— Rider had to jump in and you ended up getting a huge lecture.

'Well jokes on you Rider, I NEVER LEARN MY LESSON!!'

Running in guns blazing once again, you had managed to dodge a few of their shots and take out a few guys before hiding behind another wall, trying to recover by sitting.

Looking up you can see Rider still on the huge box tower he had climbed for a good vantage point, looking down at you and the puddles left behind by the fallen enemies in interest. You wave at him and stay sitting, remaining one super jump away in case of emergency.

Finally recovering some stamina and ink, you sit up again holding up the Hero Shot as closely as you can remember the agent you played as in the game. Then once again jumped out to take on some more enemies.


You were exhausted, finally reaching the empty space where the baby zapfish would be, you practically crumpled to the ground covered in your own sweat.

But the worst part was, RIDER WASN'T AFFECTED IN THE SLIGHTEST! He was just standing there waiting for you to get up.

"Carry me." You could see him visibly tense.

"Excuse-" you're quick to interrupt the now taken aback Rider.

"You heard me. My legs feel like they're about to fall off and you seem completely fine" you direct your hands to your legs for greater effect, "not to mention I've seen you carry that roller of yours and I know I'm not near as heavy."

Rider once again tries to rebuttal, saying that you'll be fine— but you just remain staring at him unblinkingly.

Cracking under the pressure of your gaze he sighs and lifts you onto his back, glaring at the ground.

As the feeling of security sinks in you immediately pass out murmuring a thank you, leaving Rider to make sure you and him get out of the now completely abandoned camp without problem.

The time you were asleep couldn't have been too long, seeing as you didn't enter REM sleep— but just enough that it took you being shaked like a maraca to fully come-to.

"Huh- What! Rider? What's going on- mhhm!!" As Rider's hand covers your mouth you panic.

"Shut the fuck up! There's someone else here!"

You immediately stop fighting and try to slow your breathing. 'If someone sees us in hero gear they'll get suspicious— especially if Rider is seen. Can't really pull a "we're just weird larpers" move with a micro-celebrity'.

Trying to listen to the footsteps of the stranger, you manage to pick out a voice after a loud noise rang out.

'Hang on, is that— ARMY?'

Hearing the orange inkling's voice, you can feel Rider's heartbeat rapidly increase. 'Great, if Rider is seen it'll be by not just a random stranger that could be easily scared off— but Army. Someone who's already seen the two of us together and would most definitely make it known to the other S4 that he was here. I need to get Rider out of here'

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