the lady

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Tords pov

I woke up and immediately pinched myself making sure I wasn't dreaming again, "fuck" i definitely wasn't dreaming, I stood up and left my room, i still felt crappy as fuck but i just had to deal with it, i heard humming but i didn't recognize the voice, "oh, good morning!" The voice was quite feminine and nothing like Amber's or my mothers voice, I looked towards her and she was sweeping some dust into her dustpan, "where are my parents?" I shut the door to my room, "oh did they not tell you? I'm here every weekend to look after you and your sister" the lady smiled, I walked over to the living room my sister sitting and watching cartoons, "would anyone like breakfast?" The lady walked over to the kitchen, "I do!" Amber looked over to the lady smiling, "what about you?" The lady looked at me, "I'm not hungry" I smiled and went to pick up a book, I found one that was in Norwegian so I could read it much easier, the lady looked at me, "you like reading?" The lady was acting like she has never seen a human read, "yeah, why?" I flipped the page continuing  to read, "I have never taken care of a kid who likes books" the lady was walking over with a plate of pancakes for amber, how could a kid not like books they are absolutely amazing, "how? I don't get it!?" I looked over to the lady as she was sitting down next to amber, "well because of technology kids say that technology is much simpler, I don't even like books myself" the lady was nervously smiling, she does realize that she is now on my hit list for the purge right?


I had finished maybe three chapters when I received a text from edd.
Edd:hey tord a book fair is coming up, it's this Thursday
Edd:I hope you will make it!
Tord:yeah me too
I put my phone down continued to read 2 more chapters before closing the book and walking to the kitchen, I was personally scared to eat again but I would have to or else I would die, I took an apple and started cutting it, I knew how but the lady insisted that i would cut myself and she should do it, I continued cutting pretending I couldn't hear her, I took only one half of the apple and my sister took the other.


I was feeling the same as I did before eating but I didn't wanna risk it, that was my daily routine now however it would probably be fucked up by tomorrow, I walked into my room,"what the fuck" I looked over towards the mess, my books had been knocked over and the lady was 'cleaning' them up, "what happened, I know you did something" I pointed at lady, the lady placed a few of my books on top of the shelf and walked over, "look, I accidentally knocked them over with the broomstick, now please dont use foul language" the lady placed a hand on my shoulder, "I will rip your stupid fingers off and rip out your lungs if you don't get your fucking hand off me!" The lady looked at me sternly, "that's it! I will calling the kind men who brought me here, how did raise such a problematic child!" The lady walked out to the house phone while I picked up my books, this felt exactly like school and it probably wasn't a stupid accident she probably just wanted to get me in trouble.


Paul and pat arrived home and I was standing with amber and the lady, I was so fucking tempted to hurt her, "tord, we heard what you did, it's like you are back at school again" paul looked at the lady then at me finishing his sentence, "at this point I wish I was fucking dead, you crazy assholes wouldn't fucking care!" I walked over to my room and tried to find something I could use to harm myself, "pillow? No...lamp? No...maybe a..." I looked around trying to find something, "scissors! Perfect!" I was quietly walking to my desk and grabbed my scissors, I was stalling, I didn't know if I should or not, pat opened the door, "what were you planning to do with those...?" Pat looked super concerned, "it's not what it looks like!" I put the scissors back down on my desk, pat quickly walked over and hugged me, "tord, you can't do this" pat didn't start crying however his voice sounded disappointed, I smiled as zero tears fell from my cheek as well.


I was getting ready for bed and I knew i would get a new nightmare for my stupid violent brain to think of, but I didn't need a night light their for babies, I layed in my bed and tom had texted me again,
Tom:tord you need to respond to me
Tom:what happened to you?!
Tom:why did you throw up blood!?
Tord:look tom I have no clue
I put my phone on my nightstand and decided to try and forget today happened.

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